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#1 2010-07-08 13:33:39

Registered: 2008-07-03
Posts: 1000+

Some things that should be implemented in 2.0 :D

well i have been using scratch for almost 3 years now and its not over praising scratch if i say its one of the best Programming Language in the whole world  wink  .. but some issues has been there from 1.0 and now i guess they should be configured when 2.0 is launched.

· THE JAVA APPLET :: If you have made a Huge Project  or Timed animation generally the JAVA applet crashes it either it refuses to run it or it detimes the things in such a way that they become unplayable.

· VM resources :: Hmm the VM seems to use more resources then its needed . Well after reading the source code i dont think its a Big Issue but i think it shall be improved via either Making a Code to make More use of pagefile or specifialbe memory limits for scratch cause that will give us more ability to programm

· Runtime Importable Libraries \ User Defined functions \ User Derived Datatypes ::
Its been a suggestion for a long time and shall be implemented in 2.0 well as a C++ programmer i am used to of using only those header files that contains the function i use . I think scratch can have tickable libraries hmm like if u are making a project with nearly no music than u can untick the sound option and the VM shouldnt Process the sound options part fully like its not there. and there should be something to import export and create User Derived Data types and functions as they worth  big_smile

·Network Blocks :: Well the community discovered the "MESH" in 1.4 and is now a lot used to of using meshes i guess the Mesh feature is cool and can be improved a lot in 2.0 although its said that 2.0 is gonna be net supported but i want it to be Networked Development Supported  big_smile  . i mean blocks like

JoinMeshatIP( )
ListofPeers* ( jst a basic array inbuilt that keeps track of whose connected)

That shall make the Scratch a total net development language and flash will be lying in vein  big_smile  that will actually fulfill the dream of "PROGRAMMING for Everyone"

Well the final descision remains to Scratch team . I respect whatever they decide as they have  to keep lot more facts in mind then we do like making it simple , lieghtwieght etc .  big_smile Click whats above u might make a cute planet happy ^_^



#2 2010-07-08 13:59:45

Registered: 2007-11-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Some things that should be implemented in 2.0 :D

These are pretty cool suggestions, but all the VM ideas are irrelevant. The Scratch Team has announced that Scratch 2.0 will be in flash. Nice job though!



#3 2010-07-08 19:32:22

Registered: 2009-12-15
Posts: 100+

Re: Some things that should be implemented in 2.0 :D

Scratch 2.0 should also work the same offline and online because the languages for the program and applet will be the same.

Check out my projects if you have a chance.



#4 2010-07-08 19:46:28

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Some things that should be implemented in 2.0 :D

The next version of Scratch won't use the Java applet, so the first suggestion is irrelevant. The second and third ones are also irrelevant because it will be written in Flash. The fourth idea is great, but it is a little bit complicated for the average Scratch user.



#5 2010-07-09 05:29:34

Registered: 2008-07-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Some things that should be implemented in 2.0 :D

@coolstuff i dont get the meaning of calling the 3rd idea irrelevant and btw theres nothing to be happy on using flash lol its actually slower then Java and Squeak  sad  . I tested it myself .. actually scratch is built to run with the same speed on all the systems thats why it runs slow on Our PCs  smile  . Flash is tons slower then smalltak / squek .. and btw there is only few languages that can be called fast and JAVA , C++ , ASM are the big names of them  big_smile

Last edited by fanofcena (2010-07-09 05:30:54) Click whats above u might make a cute planet happy ^_^



#6 2010-07-09 08:22:09

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Some things that should be implemented in 2.0 :D

fanofcena wrote:

@coolstuff i dont get the meaning of calling the 3rd idea irrelevant and btw theres nothing to be happy on using flash lol its actually slower then Java and Squeak  sad  . I tested it myself .. actually scratch is built to run with the same speed on all the systems thats why it runs slow on Our PCs  smile  . Flash is tons slower then smalltak / squek .. and btw there is only few languages that can be called fast and JAVA , C++ , ASM are the big names of them  big_smile

I find Flash to be nice and speedy quick - but idea 3 is still irrelevant because there's no stopping the Scratch Team now  tongue



#7 2010-07-09 09:25:50

Registered: 2008-07-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Some things that should be implemented in 2.0 :D

Coolstuff hmm have u ever tried coding a same project on 3 languages ?? Do it mate do it now u will see that Squeak is wayyyyy powerfull then Flash cuz its an actual programming language and if u can do the same on C++ it will make them both miles behind in speed lol ..

BTw i agree No Stopping the Scratch team now!!!! Click whats above u might make a cute planet happy ^_^



#8 2010-07-09 10:18:47

Registered: 2007-11-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Some things that should be implemented in 2.0 :D

Personally, I don't think it will make much of a difference in the project's speed by itself. Projects run slowly because the Scratch blocks ARE THE CODE and don't just REPRESENT code. IMO, Taking Scratch to flash won't change that.



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