I have a site and i want to embed my scratch project inside.
I have followed the instructions of how to use the applet and it works, howrever the applet automatically starts the program (it "presses" on the green flag automatically). Is there a way to tell the applet not to do that, and just sit and wait until the user'll hit the green flag button.
thank you very much.
I wanted to post this in the advanced topic forum but it wont let me do that, does anybody know why?
I think you would have to edit the applet but I don't know how.
And you can't post because you are a new scratcher.
Last edited by climber59 (2010-07-06 06:58:31)
Why don't you change it so that the user has to press space or some other unused key to start the project.
liorarnan wrote:
the thing is i'm putting a few applets on one page so that it won't solve the problem...
Hey liorarnan, it's probably not very advisable to have all the Java applets on one page because it will cause the page to lag. Why not consider using the project thumbnails and have the applets open up in their own, individual, pop-up window when the thumbnails are clicked?