Part 1: Welcome!
Welcome to Scratch, new people! You may (or may not) be wondering what Scratch is all about. This is what Scratch is in a nutshell:
Scratch is a basic programming Language in which one can create Games, art animations, and much more!!
So, scratch is NOT just used to make games. There are an infinite number of possibilities, despite how basic Scratch is.
Part 2: I know you want to popular...
Never worry about popularity. It will only get you frustrated. There are only about twenty Scratchers that will frequently make it to the front page. Popularity is 30% Luck, and a few other things:
10% Forum posting: Posting on the forums is a fantastic way to get people to click on your screen name. You have to remember to be nice, though. The nicer you are, and the more frequently you post, the more people will click on your username.
5% Forum Sig. You have to wait a little while before getting a forum signature, but once you do, this could be a ticket to fame. You can use different banner designers like to design a banner. Make it look flashy, and have it pop out. Then, link it to your stuff, one of your projects, etc.
20% First Good Project: Before making your first project, learn how to do complax things with scratch, like Scrolling and Velocity. If your first project is good, people will come back to look at your others. If not... you get the picture.
15% Posts on other projects: Don't just post comments on one or two projects- post on as many as possible! The more constructive Critisism you leave, the more likely those same people will click on your screen name.
10% Innovative use of Scratch: Don't do things that have been done before. Come up with your own ideas, and if you're stuck, don't force yourself to come up with ideas. Do something that you want to do.
10% (or more) perserverance: I used to get NO views. For almost two whole years... almost no views. I finally made a fun, simple game called Magic Square that got featured, and BOOM!! I was popular. So NEVER give up.
So never worry about being popular. If you stick with it, it will happen eventually.
Part 3: What NEVER to do on Scratch
1: Spam
Don't go on a project and post links to your's- it's not fair, and most people won't even look at it, especially if the project is famous.
2: Be Rude
Don't be mean to a person because their project isn't as good as you like it to be. This is especially annoying if you haven't even MADE a project.
3: Make innapropriate projects
If you make innapropriate projects, they will get flagged off of the site, and get you in bad with the Scratch team/community. If you are confused as to what is innapropriate, visit the terms of use.
That sums it up- SO FAR!! If you have a suggestion as to something else I should add, tell me.
So long for now, and never stop Scratching!!
12three wrote:
Part 1: Welcome!
Welcome to Scratch, new people! You may (or may not) be wondering what Scratch is all about. This is what Scratch is in a nutshell:
Scratch is a basic programming Language in which one can create Games, art animations, and much more!!!
So, scratch is NOT just used to make games. There are an infinite number of possibilities, despite how basic Scratch is.
Part 2: I know you want to popular...
Never worry about popularity. It will only get you frustrated. There are only about twenty Scratchers that will frequently make it to the front page. Popularity is 30% Luck, and a few other things:
10% Forum posting: Posting on the forums is a fantastic way to get people to click on your screen name. You have to remember to be nice, though. The nicer you are, and the more frequently you post, the more people will click on your username.
5% Forum Sig. You have to wait a little while before getting a forum signature, but once you do, this could be a ticket to fame. You can use different banner designers like to design a banner. Make it look flashy, and have it pop out. Then, link it to your stuff, one of your projects, etc.
20% First Good Project: Before making your first project, learn how to do complex things with scratch, like scrolling and velocity. If your first project is good, people will come back to look at your others. If not... you get the picture.
15% Posts on other projects: Don't just post comments on one or two projects- post on as many as possible! The more constructive Criticism you leave, the more likely those same people will click on your screen name.
10% Innovative use of Scratch: Don't do things that have been done before. Come up with your own ideas, and if you're stuck, don't force yourself to come up with ideas. Do something that you want to do.
10% (or more) perseverance: I used to get NO views. For almost two whole years... almost no views. I finally made a fun, simple game called Magic Square that got featured, and BOOM!! I was popular. So NEVER give up.
So never worry about being popular. If you stick with it, it will happen eventually.
Part 3: What NEVER to do on Scratch
1: Spam
Don't go on a project and post links to yours- it's not fair, and most people won't even look at it, especially if the project is famous.
2: Be Rude
Don't be mean to a person because their project isn't as good as you like it to be. This is especially annoying if you haven't even MADE a project.
3: Make inappropriate projects
If you make inappropriate projects, they will get flagged off of the site, and get you in bad with the Scratch team/community. If you are confused as to what is inappropriate, visit the terms of use.
That sums it up- SO FAR!! If you have a suggestion as to something else I should add, tell me.
So long for now, and never stop Scratching!!![]()
Good, although there is an error or two. Underlined.
And the %s thing isn't correct, for some people it could be 30% forum posts 0% good first project etc. BTW you need to explain number 3 because the terms of use does not state something like...
No gory images
It says use common sense, which varies from person to person (and I have none ).