How do you get an animated logo?
You can search for "animated gifs" on something like Google images, or you could animate your own using some software like GIMP. Alternatively, you can ask for one in the Requests forum
Yep - animated user profile pictures are just GIF images. So find an animated GIF somewhere on the internet and set it as your profile picture!
You can also make them in certain programs such as GIMP, though I'm not entirely sure how...
My internet just died, so I'm just going to wait for it to come back up... Dum de dum...
It's back!
coolstuff wrote:
You can also make them in certain programs such as GIMP, though I'm not entirely sure how...
This calls for a tutorial 8D
...Not by me though.
Here's one I just found...
I just realised that my version of GIMP is ooold
There is a very small program which I sometimes use to make animated gifs. It's call UnFREEz. All you do is make each frame for the image as a separate GIF and it combines them together as an animated one.
Last edited by what-the (2010-07-04 22:00:56)
Now I have a problem... Should I stick with what I've got? Or change it?
Can someone close this? I have an animated one now.