This is a guide for beginners with tutorials for each block to teach you to use some of the things in scratch.I hope this is in the right forum.
<next costume>
For that block, if you have two costumes, it will switch to the next one.
A costume is something that lets your sprite look different without having to make other sprites.You can switch easily between them.
For this tutorial, open up scratch.Select the cat.Now, click on the 'Costumes' tab.It's above your scripts.You will find two images.One of the cat normal, and another one with a cat that might look like it's jumping.Click on the one that is jumping.It will turn dark.The selected costume is always darker than the rest.If you look at the white space, you will see your cat has turned into a jumping pose.Click on the normal one.Your cat will have turned back to the way it was.Now, make sure you have selected the normal costume.Go to the 'scripts' tab.Drag a 'next costume' block in.Now click it.Go back to the 'Costumes' tab.Now look at which costume is selected!The jumping one has been selected.That is because of the 'Next Costume' block.The next costume block switches it's costume to the next one after it.If the costume is at the end, it goes all the way back to the beginning.Go back to the 'scripts' tab.Now make this script:
Sorry,the blocks are green because of a hack I did.Find those blocks in 'Control'!Click on the script.Now look on the screen.You should see your cat switching from one costume to the other every second!
I hope this tutorial helped you to learn about costumes!More is coming soon.
Last edited by wedsneday (2010-07-10 02:52:04)
A variable is something that can remember things like answers,a score and more unless changed.
These blocks are actually red, not yellow.Mine are yellow because of a hack.In this guide you will learn about variables.Variables are usually used for a score, or points.To create a variable, click on 'Variables'.Then click on 'Create a Variable', not 'Create a List'.For this guide, enter 'Points' or 'Score' or something like that.You'll see something appear in the top left corner of the white space!On the left of the variable, you'll see the variable name.On the right of the variable, there is a red space with the number '0'.0 is the variable's value.You can view the variable in different ways.Right-click on it in the white space, not the space from the left.You see some options : * normal readout *, large readout, slider and hide.Click on 'large readout'.Your variable will change it's look!It won't display it's name anymore, or the grey space.Just one big red block, with it's value in the middle!Now, right-click it again, this time selecting 'Slider'.Your variable will change it's look again, it looks a bit similar to the normal one, exept it has a slider under it.Drag the slider, and see the value change from low to high.Change it back to 'Normal Readout'.Now, lastly, right-click and select 'Hide'.Your variable will disappear!But don't worry, you can get it back.On the left, you'll see your variable's name.On the left of that, you'll find a checkbox.If it's checked, it'll show, if it's not checked, it'll hide.At the moment it's not checked.So, click the checkbox, and your variable is back!Now drag a 'Set ______ to ( )' block out.The _______ will be replaced with your variable name.If you click it, a dropdown will appear.It has the names of all your variables.You can change which one you want by selecting it.The ( ) is replaced with a 0.Change 0 to a random number like 50.Now, activate the block by clicking on it.The variable's value changes to the number you entered!Now drag a 'Change _______ by ( )' block out.This block is exactly the same as the other one, exept it adds your value on to the current value, instead of just setting it to the number so that it doesn't change.Change the 0 to 50.Activate it, and see that 50 has been added to your current number!Now, the 'show/hide variable ______' block.Drag both hide and show out.You already know a way to show/hide a variable, but you can't do that when you upload a project online!You need these blocks.They do the same thing.Click on 'hide variable ________'.Your variable will hide.Click on 'show variable _______'.Your variable will come back.
I hope this guide helped you learn about variables!Sorry it's long.
Last edited by wedsneday (2010-07-10 02:53:19)