On the front page, the first day I visited this site, I noticed that the top loved and top viewed and top downloaded tend to be the same, or by the same or similar users -- and usually base around being featured. For example, on Monday (the sixteenth), the top loved recently were:
2. Legend of Zelda, Reign of Darkness Beta
3. Jumpn'run_game (improved)
and the top viewed lately were:
1. Wilderness Survival
3. Star Fox
Notice how NO SMOKING OR DRINKING is on both lists. This is because they advertise it in the forums, and a few people look at it, all at around the same time. This gets it on the top viewed lately list. Then, more people look at it, and love it, getting it on both lists. Then they get even more views and love-its for being on both lists, getting them up to the top a bit more. Then, eventually they get near the front of the 'top viewed of all time' list. This makes it nearly impossible to be replaced as it only gets more and more views for being on 'top viewed'.
What point is this? It only really makes the top viewed projects get more views, and the projects and users that actually need a few views get hardly any views because most users are too busy viewing already-too-viewed projects.
The featured projects usually turn up on the top viewed. This is an exception to the fact that many not-very-viewed projects can turn into more viewed ones. But with the growing amount of projects on the Scratch website, surprise projects can hardly help views go up; with every project the likeliness of it being surprise is less and less. Most users even ignore them. And the newest projects can only be up on the front page for a minute, IF they're lucky. And administrators can only feature projects that they've seen, which means that unless they find it on surprise projects, which as I noted is less likely to become your project, it can't be featured.
This takes your chances of getting on the top loved list way down. And, what if you've just made a 300-script project, which is excellently amazingly awesome, and it hardly gets a single view because all of the top viewed and top loved and top downloaded are getting all of the attention, only getting more and more famous.
Although Scratch is meant for fun, not fame. it still can be a bit discouraging when your best project has been up for five, ten, fifteen, thirty, sixty days without even getting ten comments. It makes you want to give up on life. It's like offering people chocolate you've put hours of effort into making and nobody takes it. Your time and effort it put to, namely, absolutely no use. And your generosity is used for nothing.
This may be why so many people are quitting Scratch: Nobody looks at their projects, which is not a very good thing to happen.
Another thing I've noticed is that most people on the front page use the forums. The following are the projects on the front page, excluding featured, new, and surprise projects as of the time I wrote this:
1. Taxi by DaRossi (uses the forums)
2. How to Scroll by Cougers (doesn't use them)
3. Pokemon™ Game Boy Advance by Bluestribute (uses the forums)
1. NO SMOKING OR DRINKING by soccerislifeissoccer (doesn't use them, but was sort of promoted by a related project who gave credit to this who used the forums)
2. Legend of Zelda, Reign of Darkness by Geckofreak (uses the forums)
3. Jumpn' Run game (improved) by 123AndyCandy321 (doesn't use the forums)
1. Wilderness Survival by Bluestribute (uses the forums)
2. NO SMOKING OR DRINKING by soccerislifeissoccer (see note above)
3. Star Fox by Bosox397 (sometimes does, but also spams a lot)
As you can see, about 3/4 of the top downloaded or top viewed projects have some relation to the forums. Only about 1/100ths of them use the forums. The rest, who don't use the forums, never get recognized and therefore never really get many views, which also reduces their chances of getting featured or on top viewed due to the small amount of users who actually use the forums. After a week or so of using the forums, you start to become either a recognized user or a hated, but recognized user. In either case, people still recognize your name and start using their projects.
What happens is that they advertise a project on the forums, and then ten or so forum users might look at it at relatively the same time, and if they make a big deal of it or it has a large, truthful meaning then it might get more views from a few more forum members. This helps it get onto the front page, which then allows all non-forum users to look at it, too: using the forums can really get your project much more viewed, which gives an unfair advantage to all forum users. What if somebody's parent's won't let them use the forums because it's too dangerous? What if they simply aren't interested in the forums? The list goes on.
More information on forum usage can be found at Dick Baldwin (dbal)'s thread called 'A very valuable resource largely going to waste'.
If you have read all of this I must say, you really can make a commitment, I've spent about half an hour on this post! Honestly, do you find I'm droning on and on about pretty much the same thing? Tell me, please. Thanks for reading this far, but the main purpose of this thread has yet to come.
But what can we do about this? How can we fix the problem that well-known scratchers only get more attention, so that the lesser-known scratchers hardly get any? A least viewed or least loved channel may seem appropriate, but that would generally only match up to the newest projects. I have absolutely no ideas as to what can be done about this.
That being said, had you read this far, could you please, please, please post your ideas as alternatives to top, top, top? Perhaps a least viewed, downloaded, and loved channel for projects that have been up for at least ten days? Please post your ideas on this topic...
By the way, this is, without a doubt my longest post ever.
Last edited by coolstuff (2008-06-16 15:48:14)
That's why I suggested least viewed. lemme find the link for you
And my Pokemon™ used to be top-loved too! And my GB used to be top viewed! And my Pokemon™ is page 8 all time loved!!!! Sorry....
Bluestribute wrote:
That's why I suggested least viewed. lemme find the link for you
If you had read paragraph... what was it? 14, counting all lists as one paragraph (combined) it does suggest that, but that would pretty much match up to newest projects.
No, we suggested a time amount it has to be one. Like 2 days or seomthing before it can. And actually it's page 7 all time
Bluestribute wrote:
No, we suggested a time amount it has to be one. Like 2 days or seomthing before it can. And actually it's page 7 all time
Exactly what I suggested! I guess I'm just shedding some more light on the subject (in a very looooooooooooooooong post, droning on and on and on and on and on and on abotu the same thing)
Nice! You have now joined the Longest Posters Ever Who Have A Club With A Really Long Name Club which also goes by I Just Made It Up. Congrats!
Anyway, you are right. I don't like that fact that some games are up there for what seems like months and they never are changed because eveyone looks at them while they are up there. I think that instead of a Top Viewed page, it should be Least viewed.
I know that some one wrote this idea on another topic but I will reiterate for the purposes of my essay. (which I hope is longer than yours) The reason that a Least viewed thing would be good is because it will show all of the projects that have 0 views. Then, once someone has clicked on it, it shall be switched out until there are no projects with 0 views. Then it will start with 1 view and so on and so forth.
A restriction would have to be placed on this, like the project must have been on the site for at least 24 hours to count in that so that way itdoesn't turn into another newest projects thing which it may at some point.
Also, it should display the lowest viewed at random, thatway exposing more projects to more people and so on and so forth. The more diversity, the more likly people will see a project that intrests them.
I also think that the surprise projects do really no good because I barely look at them and they only expose the projects for a short amount of time. This could be better used by converting it into the Least viewed thing explained above or Maybe showing them for a day on your own computer instead of every time you refresh the page.
Another way to expose more topics as said on another thread is to instead of have more games by this user, is to have related projects. This is implemented on youtube and somtimes it leads to hours of surfing the videos useing this feature.
A way to implement this is to just put the the projects with the most similar tags. It should work as long as the tags of all the projects are related to the project. Also, if there is an odd one in there some times it wouldn't be bad to find that random thing once in a while as long as it didn't happen every time. Maybe the Mods of the forums could also delete tags?
I think that the Featured gallerys should also be on the main page, not shoved up against the side like they are right now. I feel as if they are less important when they are there and would fell better if they were in the middle like the rest of the stuff.
Also, Featured projects and gallerys need to be changed more often. I sometimes see things up there for a week and then they get changed after 1 day. I think that it needs to be more consitent and faster, especially the gallerys. The scratch cat thing has been up for weeks!
Anyway, that is just my reallly long 2 cents. Oh and coolstuff, you beat me in long posts on this thread.
One question for the admins, has anyone ever dominated all three tops? I mean has anyone had projects in all three while no one else has? Just a question.
P.S. I was really bored while writing this. :p
Edit, Dang it, this was supposed tothe second post!!!
Last edited by Bobby500 (2008-06-16 15:20:12)
coolstuff wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
No, we suggested a time amount it has to be one. Like 2 days or seomthing before it can. And actually it's page 7 all time
Exactly what I suggested! I guess I'm just shedding some more light on the subject (in a very looooooooooooooooong post, droning on and on and on and on and on and on abotu the same thing)
Hey, I diverged into that sugestion with my huge post. Also alot more stuff also but...that was my main theme.
My idea (the least viewed thing). And all of my posts are shorter than yours
And I have had 4 out of 9 spots before. Wildereness Survival and my GB on top viewed, and Pokemon™ on top loved and downloaded
One day, I am going to edit that post and make it even longer. But not now. Never now.
Yeah, a post that is long seems to be more important and truthful than a short one even though it may not be. Yours is important and I can't call a suggestion truthful but if I could, I would.
coolstuff wrote:
The featured projects usually turn up on the top viewed.
The featured projects used to not be able to achieve this because they were normally chosen a week after they had been shared. But now it seems the Scratch Team is picking newer 1-3 day old projects which can easily become top views lately. The old system of waiting about a week seems to be more fair and worked better.
One suggestion: Only let a project be on one top list at a time.
A least veiwed, downloaded, and loved section would be very helpful. But remember...dont seek fame for the sake of fame. Scratch is for fun, not fame.
Rurigok wrote:
One suggestion: Only let a project be on one top list at a time.
A least veiwed, downloaded, and loved section would be very helpful. But remember...dont seek fame for the sake of fame. Scratch is for fun, not fame.
Yes, however I like many people to see my projects. I don't want to work hard on a project and then just have 3 people view it. I still do it for fun though.
Rurigok wrote:
But remember...dont seek fame for the sake of fame. Scratch is for fun, not fame.
I realize that, which is why I clearly stated that although scratch is for fun, it can get discouraging when your project has been up for ages with almost no views. Then people just give up, which is no fun at all. "It's like giving people cookies, but nobody eating them"
coolstuff wrote:
Rurigok wrote:
But remember...dont seek fame for the sake of fame. Scratch is for fun, not fame.
I realize that, which is why I clearly stated that although scratch is for fun, it can get discouraging when your project has been up for ages with almost no views. Then people just give up, which is no fun at all. "It's like giving people cookies, but nobody eating them"
Totally agree.
bobby500 wrote:
Nice! You have now joined the Longest Posters Ever Who Have A Club With A Really Long Name Club which also goes by I Just Made It Up. Congrats!
I just realized... couldn't you just quote my post and then say your thing? It would make your post longer...
coolstuff wrote:
bobby500 wrote:
Nice! You have now joined the Longest Posters Ever Who Have A Club With A Really Long Name Club which also goes by I Just Made It Up. Congrats!
I just realized... couldn't you just quote my post and then say your thing? It would make your post longer...
But thats cheating.
I had had a top viewed for maybe 5 minutes before it was pushed off the page.....Least viewed would be amusing!
Cyclone103 wrote:
I had had a top viewed for maybe 5 minutes before it was pushed off the page.....Least viewed would be amusing!
Yeah, some one said on one of my projects that it was in the top viewed for a while. I never saw it there though.
Rurigok wrote:
One suggestion: Only let a project be on one top list at a time.
A least veiwed, downloaded, and loved section would be very helpful. But remember...dont seek fame for the sake of fame. Scratch is for fun, not fame.
Hmm. This could be useful. The Scratch team should try this out, and see what's the result.