Post The Names Of New Cubeworld Projects
In My Reaserch I Have Found:
Cube World
Cube World 2
Cube World 3 (A Copy Of Cube World 2)
Cube World Lost In Space
Cube World Adventure
Cube World 3 (The Real One!)
Last edited by bendad (2008-10-13 10:37:17)
Cube World is a fun, pathetic game. It is addicting, but simply coded. People play it instead of make it
To tell the truth, Tanner-FBI is actually a novice programmer. Sure, it's a fun game, but is really simply coded.
I'm not saying that I am better than him in any way; He may be, though he may also not be. It's up to the scratch community to decide who's a good programmer.
To put it simply: They're fun, but too simple. They're too famous for their own good.