we should have badges in our games you dont have to put them in you may do this:
<when[ 9 ]key pressed>
(badge( <mod> )on)
<if>(badge( <mod> )on)
<(badge reiciever <=> the chef master badge )>
That script will do nothing, even if badges were implemented because mod is what you use to find the remainder when dividing two numbers. Could you explain a bit more? Do you mean something like kongregate?
I'm confused - what could we use badges for? Would they be like acchievements? (eg, if you win a platformer, you get a "badge" for it, so that people can compare who won what?) I think it could get a little confusing if people use the same badges in different projects
Also, you might want to make your signature a bit smaller - it's a bit too tall at the moment. Try to keep signatures under 150 pixels tall - thanks!
juststickman wrote:
That script will do nothing, even if badges were implemented because mod is what you use to find the remainder when dividing two numbers. Could you explain a bit more? Do you mean something like kongregate?
no something like on roblox on the project there will be a notification saying if you got a certan badge
if you got enough you get more privlages in your profile [eg.if you get 10 then you get admin 4 a day