I didn't realise, but when changing costume by variable, it counts the costumes along a list, rather than jumping to the costume with the name correspending to that variable.
EG, if I have a costume named "211" which is 10th on the list, "Switch to costume (varaiable)" where variable = "211" will not switch to that costume.
Is this intentional?
Yes, the names are not numbers, just strings. The costumes are numbered in order starting from 1, no matter what names they are given. You can move the costumes around to change their order without changing their names, or change their names without changing their order.
A shame - I have a 3d maze game that was going to select the right view by choosing the costume using a 3 digit variable based on the players location on a grid ( X-cordinate, Y-Cordinate and direction faced).
Can still be done, but requires a chain of if statements instead, one for each combination of position and direction.
No, you can use a computed costume---you just have to be careful to put the costumes in the right order so that you can access them by number. Use a computation like
round(x / 60)*8 + round(y /80)*2 + round(direction/180) + 41