I think that there are some awesome remixes on this site, and almost immediately people write them off as exact copies, and don't bother to look. I noticed this happening, and I decided to do something about it. Here is a gallery where you can post your remixes of games, and not just remixes from this site. Remixes from any site, or even a board game, are accepted. Please leave me a message if you post something in here. Thanks! click here for the remix gallery
Creative remixes are great! I also feel they are a bit under appreciated. Thanks for promoting creative remixing!
No problem! My gallery has 9 projects in it as of 30 seconds ago. I hope it gets a lot more good remixes!
My gallery has 10 now, and anybody who wants to add can add.
Thanks! And thanks for adding your game!
Now there are a total of 16 games in it. I think the idea is starting to catch on!