You know how there was a fad about add this to your signature? Well I'm making a fighting game out of it. It only has a story mode where you play as grob, unlock weapons etc.
But, I seem to be lacking the art, as many of the things, well they just won't make sense in a fighting game.
So, if you created a thing to add to signature, submit it here! However, you must create a roughly 16x16 to 64x64 sprite (32x32 recommended), animated or not, it's your choice. This is how you will be represented, so don't make yourself look stupid. If you have a sprite but it's not an add yourself thing, go make an add yourself thing and come here and submit.
Characters in the game (or at least will be later on):
bob the sea urchin
rainbow sheep
grob the slime
Characters that MUST be re-worked before submitting:
wall jump moose
flags (give it a rail gun or something)
shoopdawoop (yeah...)
rainbow dog (looks like clipart, a must)
bunchie (not a must for this one, but it would be nice)
pikachu goes crazy (please make it smaller, not a must but it would be nice)
sad sam (a random floating head wouldn't really fit)
Uh, I've seen a scratch cat one in bananaman114's signature if that's what you mean by fad.
Jimmy-Jermaine wrote:
Uh, I've seen a scratch cat one in bananaman114's signature if that's what you mean by fad.
Yup, that's what I mean.
Here's the link that the guy who started it said:
forget the wall jump moose, that ones really bad quality.
The-Whiz wrote:
I really like the one where you add absolutely nothing to your signature.
The invisible guy was meant to be a surprise!
DaGamez wrote:
Add meh Shoop
You need to re-draw it, with that background it won't really fit.
Add FireGrob! Grob's evil twin! I don't care what role you give him. Just give me credit.
I made this myself on Paint.