I posted this as a reply to one of the threads, but now decided to make it a separate topic.
First of all, thank you MIT for this brilliant idea and a cool product! I was absolutely delighted when I first saw it. The presentation of language constructs as color-coded building blocks of different shapes is revolutionary. The language itself is simple but quite powerful, it combines traditional imperative constructs with the event-driven paradigm and even some advanced coding patterns.
As an IT professional though I'd like to point out some limitations of Scratch or features that would help it become a full-fledged programming language, without becoming too complex.
1) Data Types. Having only numeric variables/expressions is too restrictive. How about adding some basic string processing abilities, or even date/time processing?
2) Collections (Arrays). One dimension would be enough. Ideally, they would be able to grow.
3) Persistency/database. Could be as simple to the user as ticking a checkbox.
4) Communication (e.g. sending and receiving messages/data to/from other clients).
That's all for now. Any feedback will be appreciated.
Just about all of the features you've mentioned have either been implemented in prototype form, or are under consideration. So please stay tuned for future versions!
In the meantime, you may have seen people have come up with creative ways in the projects to deal with arrays.
Here are the clever workarounds for arrays:
Thank you for your suggestions. We are looking over all the suggestions and find them very helpful for informing our future additions!