I need help getting images onto a forum.
Use the [img]and[/img] tags and paste the image's URL in-between
Also, this would probably be better in all about Scratch rather than advanced topics.
Last edited by 06dknibbs (2010-06-26 20:50:36)
Ok but how do you get that code
This thread will help you out: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=20431
1 explains how to get pictures from your computer onto the forums
2 explains how to take screenshots
3 explains how to get the picture code
Last edited by coka (2010-06-26 21:36:11)
I got it
Last edited by mooster (2010-06-26 21:37:46)
yes but how come on paint everything turns out small when you save it?
mooster wrote:
yes but how come on paint everything turns out small when you save it?
How do you mean?
If you're looking at the icon, don't worry - double click on it and it'll become full-sized.
like I made a drifclaw splice and saved it but it made the thing tiny
mooster wrote:
like I made a drifclaw splice and saved it but it made the thing tiny
Are you sure you weren't zoomed in when you saved it? What did it make tiny? Can you describe the situation fully, because otherwise I can't quite help you...
Also, I'm going to be moving this to All About Scratch - it doesn't belong in Advanced Topics.
I had it at 100% but it was in the corner of the screen
The canvas is probably too big, meaning it saves a bunch of white space and automatically shrinks on the forums to fit the post. To fix it, open it in paint and look around the edges of the image, you'll notice some white dots in the corners and edges. Drag the white dots until it that it fits the sprite and there's no excess white space, then save it and upload it again.