kstacy wrote:
This is more of a question than a suggestion but I'm wondering if there is a way to embed the applets on one's own site rather than uploading to MIT's site. It's a school logistics thing ...
The answer is yes. I just saw a post the other day that explained how to do it, but I don't recall where I saw it. However, there is an example at http://www.freewebs.com/bobby500/ You can open the source code for that page in your browser and see how that person did it.
Here is some html that I recently used to display one of my favorite Scratch projects in a table:
<b>Figure 1. Rushes with sun by pandalecteur.</b><table border="0" cols="1" bgcolor="#EFE9B8" id="table1" >
<applet id='ProjectApplet' style='display:block' code='ScratchApplet' codebase='http://scratch.mit.edu/static/misc' archive='ScratchApplet.jar' height='387' width='482'><param name='project' value='../../static/projects/pandalecteur/122328.sb'></applet>
In each project page, there is a section titled "Link to this Project". Underneath is a link that says embed. Click there and you'll get the HTML code to embed that particular project somewhere else.