I am guessing forever loop with multiple bullets, but just to be safe, look here
Thanks. I think that will help. And also, I looked at your project, and you have 2 costumes for the gun. Delete the second one, and click the button near the top of the screen above the costumes that looks like this: <--> Then you won't need 2 costumes for the gun.
Make multiple bullet sprites(At least 10),and give each this script
<when green flag clicked>
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if><< <mouse down?> <and> <( <{ Shoot? }><=> 0 )> >>
<wait(0.1 )secsc>
<change{ Shoot? }by( 1)>
<go to[ machine gun]>
<point in direction( direction of machine gun)>
<repeat until><touching[ edge]>
<move( 10 )steps>
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if><( <{ Shoot? }> <>> 10 )>
<set{ Shoot? }to( 0)>