I have created a gallery named 'Scratch's Tournament'. In this Gallery you can post all of your newest projects and after every week or so the three projects that have the lowest number of views and the lowest number of 'love its' are asked to be removed until we have the elite projects entered into the tournament.
If your project doesnt seem to be in the ranking then it is either too old (added before certain date), too young (under 4 days old as is being given a change to develop) or it is in a section of the rankings that doesnt feature.
If a project or a creator wins one of the awards 3 times then they are put in for the Best of the Best awards in each category. These are updated at the end of each month.
Last edited by Dave911 (2007-07-06 15:13:52)
The rankings for Friday 6th July at 20:00 GMT.
These are the two rankings that determine whether or not your project shall be deleted.
Top 3 Viewed
1.Scratch Keyboard- Wodunne
2. Thief Demo- S65
3. Halo: Attack of the...- Wodunne
Bottom 3 viewed
9. Catch- Dave911
=11. Heli City Impo...- Alexcunha
=11. !! p@int !!- Nick60
Top 3 Loved
=3. Web spinning- Mayhem
=3. Scratch Keyboard- Wodunne
=3. Halo: Attack of the...- Wodunne
Bottom 3 Loved (As there were 3 projects at equal 9th only 2 projects feature)
10. Heli City Impo...-Alexcunha
11. !! p@int !!- Nick60
So, unlucky to Alexcunha, Nick60 and Dave911. Your projects were in the bottom three of these rankings. Remember if one project is in the top 3 for one ranking and in the bottom three of the other then it is excempt from deletion.
Now for the awards!
Best Project Scratch Keyboard- Wodunne with 175 views and 6 Loveits.
Most Loved Creator Wodunne with an average of 6 Loveits per project.
Most Viewed Creator Wodunne with an average of 167.5 views per project.
So, congratulations to Wodunne taking a clean sweep of the awards.
Last edited by Dave911 (2007-07-06 15:12:36)
Congratulations to Dave911 for bringing together the Scratch community to create really cool projects. We liked archmage suggestion and decided to feature the project on the home page.
do you mean not having pagination inside the gallery page? are the number of projects per page too little? or would you rather scroll than click next? I wonder, maybe you could open a thread on the forum asking for other people's opinion and we'll see what we can do...
andresmh wrote:
do you mean not having pagination inside the gallery page? are the number of projects per page too little? or would you rather scroll than click next? I wonder, maybe you could open a thread on the forum asking for other people's opinion and we'll see what we can do...
I think the separate pages of each section are good since you dont have to keep scrolling to find a project or to reach the comments. What I would say is that the owner of each gallery should be able to have more power over the projects in there. I.E. being able to delete projects from the gallery or to be able to order projects in a specific way.
The reason i prefer having all projects on one page is because the word gallery indicates work on display. I dont feel that alot of the work is on display in galleries any more. i feel it is more like a libary where you have to search for a project. In reality i dont think most people will look at more that a couple of pages maximum and it kind of takes away the aspects of just scrolling down until you see a project that looks interesting.
Anyway. for any opinions on galleries please go to the 'all about galleries' topic.
you should make it so that when someone wins then they cant win again for maybe a month or something
I am repeating my announcement for the need of a stand-in when I am away. If you are interested in the job that only requires you to sort out the rankings each friday and keep order then please let me know by either commenting on the Scratch's Tournament page or by replying to this forum post. They will need to work on the week of Friday 27th July and from Friday 3rd August to Friday 17th August.
These are the rankings for Friday 13th of July 2007.
The two important rankings : -
Top 5 viewed
1. Mario- Schneider
2. Scratch Keyboard- Wodunne
3. Halo: Attack of the…- Wodunne
4. Thief Demo 3- S65
5. Virtual Golf- bigB
Bottom 5 viewed
31. Cat play- beebe
32. Balloons on the Beach- Dave911
33. My Crazy, colourful pong- Kan
34. 1-20 w-music…- Kan
35. Colourful Pong- Kan
Top 5 loved
1. Mario- Schneider
2. Scratch Keyboard- Wodunne
3. Bowser vs. Yoshi- Drakonan
=5. Super Mario B…- S65
=5. Mech Wars Robo…- FunkyStudios
Bottom 5 loved (As there were 5 Projects in =32nd place I decided to only use the bottom 3)
33. Crazy Cannons- archmage
=35. Balloons on the Beach- Dave911
=35. 1-20 -w music…- Kan
The losing creators this week are Dave911, archmage, beebe and Kan. Please delete your projects from the gallery asap, thank you!
And now for the awards: -
Best Project - Mario- Schneider with 55 Love its and 1861 Views
Unsurprisingly this Behemoth of a project wins this award with ease beating off the nearest contestant by over 1000 Views and over 30 Love its More than any other project. Congratulations Schneider, I’ll bet we will definitely see this project in this year’s Scratch Elite!
Most Loved Creator - Schneider with an average of 55 Love its
Simply Won because Schneider added only one project to the Tournament this time.
Most Viewed Creator - Schneider with an average of 1861 Views.
Again, only one project added!
The Dave911 Newcomer Award - Bowser vs. Yoshi- Drakonan
To win this award I must feel that your game is fun and is away from the main crowd. That’s why this week I give it to Bowser vs. Yoshi- it’s fun and since it has only had a few views it isn’t widely known. A great game that can be enjoyed by all.
Love at first sight Award - Colourful Pong- Kan
This award goes to the project that has the least amount of views for every love it, signifying that it can be quickly loved. This week the award goes to Kan with Colourful Pong since for every Love it there were only 7 views! This also sees the loophole in the deleting process. Since this project won an award it does not need to be deleted! Well done Kan.
It was obvious that Mario was going to win, but now that it's won will it still be qualified to win the next few rounds? Because with how many views and LoveIts it has no other project will be able to stand a chance against it for some time.
IN the current system Mario would be able to win 3 more times before the project is moved in the Elite. Then any other leading projects would have a chance. I will be trying a new option this week using a voting system where you can vote for 3 projects a week on 'Scratch's Tournament Voting' in 'All about Scratch' in the forum. If it works then we may have a system hald based on views and love its and half based on voting.
We featured on the homepage the Schneider's Mario project that won your tournament last week. We are looking forward for the winner of this week.
Since I shall be goin away for a while I have decided to put mdusoe in charge, mainly because mdusoe was the only one who answered to the call I made. Basically they will fill in for me and do the ratings each week while im gone. If they do a lousy job then i will be on in around a month to remanage my position as administrator of this tournament. This week will be under my control but after that mdusoe will be in charge.
I will be more than happy to determine the rankings, but I may not be able to get to them until Friday night, after 5:00 pm Eastern. That is when I get home from work. Dave911, I wil simply duplicate whichever categories you post for this week's entries.
And no, I won't let anything burn down while you are gone
It's so cool this idea of the tournament. Thanks mdusoe for covering for Dave911. I am setting this topic as a sticky and move it to "show and tell". Let me know if you think that's not OK.
I posted so when do i see my ranking? I'm a newbie to Scratch's Tournament, so I don't know. Thanks!
These are the rankings for Friday 20th of July 2007.
The two important rankings : -
Top 5 loved
1. Mario- Schneider
2. Doodle- Graham
3. Super Mario B…- S65
4. Virtual Golf- bigB
5. Scratch Keyboard- Wodunne
Bottom 5 loved
=59. Archery Fun- archmage
=59. Shot Gun- Dilly
=59. Marble Maze F…- Beebe
=59. The Night’s Re…- FunkyStudios
Top 5 viewed
1. Mario- Schneider
2. Scratch Keyboard- Wodunne
3. Doodle- Graham
4. Super Mario B…- S65
5. Halo Attack of …- Wodunne
Bottom 5 viewed
55. Diamond Twirl- Mel500
56. The Night’s Re…-FunkyStudios
57. Make a TRUEd…- Kan
58. Stop the invs…- JoelP
59. Colourful Pong- Kan
The losing creators this week are Mel 500, FunkyStudios, Kan, JoelP, Dilly and Beebe. Please delete your projects from the gallery asap, thank you!
And now for the awards: -
Best Project - Mario- Schneider
Same as last week, only one more week and it will be out of Scratch’s Tournament and into the Elite.
Most Loved Creator - Schneider with an average of 57 Loveits per project
Same as last week.
Most Viewed Creator - Schneider with an average of 2259 views per project
The Dave911 Newcomer Award - Swap it v2- Mdusoe
This is a really great and fun project that took some real intuition to create. Definitely up there among the great projects entered into Scratch Tournament and I am sure it is only in the early days of its circulation. Congratulations to Mdusoe as well as they will be driving Scratch’s Tournament for the next month. Remember that any project that wins an award 3 times is removed from Scratch Tournament and placed in the Elite Tournament.
Love at first sight Award - City- JoelP with 4.25 views to every Loveit.
Now I am not sure that all these Loveits are legal but even when I remove the ones I suspect this project still gets this award. A fun project not unlike the games ‘Caeser’ and ‘SimCity’. Good fun.
People’s Choice - Swap it v2- Mdusoe
The voting system has given us its first winner. As I said above it is a great project that is fun and clever. Since the voting system had such poor turnout we will not be switching to this system for deciding winners. Instead it will stay as a separate award.
i thinks its a good idea keeping the voteing as a seperate award but i think it would be better if it were done in the gallery comments
I think it would be cool if you could add a theme to one of the tournament rounds. Like a music theme or a mario theme or a fighting game theme or something like that. Also make it so that only projects created after the tournament theme round started can be entered so that already well known projects don't get an advantage.
Another idea, that might require some help from the Scratch team:
record the number of views and loveits when the project is entered into the gallery, and subtract those from the total, so that only new views and loveits count.