Welcome, New Members! Would you like to make the forums a better place? Would you like to fight trolls and spammers? Then join Forum Fighters 2! We help people answer questions, fight trolls and spammers, and much more! While you are still in the "New Scratchers" Group, you may only be ranked a starter or a helper.
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To join, please post so below.
Last edited by coolstuff (2010-07-24 21:56:36)
This is for New Scratchers that can't post in Miscellaneous.
Please post here to join the FF new recruit squad!
Hullo. I r heer.
Yus I r.
Last edited by Aidan (2010-06-23 21:09:13)
Hello! Can we please stay on topic?
Answered a question
Can I Please Join
Bendad, please see the topic in Miscellaneous to join. This topic is for New Scratchers.
This thread is meant for new members. Once you are allowed to post in Miscellaneous, you can rise up in the ranks. The main thread is over there.
Last edited by waveOSBeta (2010-06-24 20:48:38)
Sure! Since you are a member, you should join by posting in the thread in miscellaneous.
Last edited by waveOSBeta (2010-06-26 19:47:24)
I've seen the topic and have been dying to post in it. First off, I will not join. All you people seem to do is make badges and chat, I haven't seen anyone help anybody, no offence. I was there the other day, and people were getting promoted for making the graphics, not actually helping people. Also, I would like to point out this is not the first forum team, and there were probably many before it, you just haven't looked hard enough. I don't see a real point to your group, sorry if I sound mean, but this is my opinion so don't take it personally.
I promoted Wave because he was helping a lot, I promoted ThePCKid because he helped make an important badge that helped us, and he helps others. People helping FF is still helping, you know. Also, give me a link to another forum team that was made before. Just give me a link and I'll see if you're right. The point is to MOTIVATE people to help. If we promote someone to a higher rank, people will help more to get to an even higher rank. I'm sorry, but that's my opinion as the owner. I'd never do such a thing as to only make badges. I make badges so people get to higher ranks and be happy about having higher ranks, and what's the point of being a high rank without a badge instead of a low rank with a badge? Oh, and thank you for dying to post in it
Also, I don't think you were acting mean. People on scratch deserve to be able to share their opinion. I'm sorry if this is not what you think, but it's true.
Also, making badges IS helping. Helping FF.
EDIT: You think people help IN the topic? Nope. We help in other topics. Check out some of the other topics in AAS, etc. and you'll see we help.
Last edited by DaGamez (2010-06-25 16:40:41)
Woah, no need to rant
As you can see, I haven't been here very long, so there's no way for me to know of any past forum teams. However, the scratch forums have been around for nearly three years, and there is a high chance of other teams. And helping yourself doesn't count as helping.
This situation isn't helping you either. Look at it this way. A new member disagrees with the way things are run, and suddenly the helper team strikes back, caps locks brandished.
I've been dying to post in it to tell you my message, which I have done so on this thread. The point of the group is to bribe people with badges into helping make more badges?
Also, I may not be able to post in the topic, but I can still read it. Calling me the anti-FF isn't very nice of you.
I didn´t, Wave did. I have nothing against you. I apologize for anything bad I have done. The least I want to do is have a fight! Also, helping ourselves eventually helps others that later join us, right¿ I was the first to have the idea. That´s why nobody says "You´re not the first one! This is the first one! (Link to forums) or something like that.
Actually, he's right
There were others. Technically, alot of collaborations are forum teams also, because they are just started in the forums then never made on the site. I would find one of those, but you would deny it, so I'll just find a legitimate one
Well, either way, I was too busy sleeping to actually find a topic. But when you say it like that, then okay. I'm not against you guys, I'm just wondering how you help
Last edited by Blade-Edge (2010-06-26 15:20:52)