I am thinking about making a really cool space game, since I have been getting really good at scratch and GIMP, but I keep on thinking that it is not original enough.
-Space Game
-Conquest Game
-Sci-Fi Game
SO, If I where to make a game with all of those, I would need a good title. I thought of A few but I need your help. If you think of a name and I use it, I will give much credit!
Also, if this game gets good enough, I might want to collab, but I am also to busy right now.
-Watermelon splash
-Star Wars Game (Scratch Edition)
-Guitar Hero (with Autosaving Feature)
-Rock Band
The Epic Fail 1 is a thing that goes wrong.
P.S.: Ideas should not be copied from other peoples work.<< Work by yourself <or> with friends you know >>