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#1 2010-06-19 11:57:03

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 4

sidescroller framework

stumbling across this site from another site (you dont wanna know the story behind that) and rooting around in a few of peoples well i call them pails on a site like this becasue its basicly a bucket with information in it, i realized that this might be a platform i could redevelop a sidscrolling infastructure i had once defeloped in C++ and once in GameMaker Pro 6 (its a hobby of mine dont ask) that could be shared with a community and possibly developed into a game of sorts.

i'm more of the hmm mechanical person i'm more interested in the mechanics under the hood than with the creative processes that ultimatly create a game, somthing like this provides a blank tablet onto wich you create everything. the idea i had was to create a framework where the rendering engine control engine and physics/interactions were already pre created for you and all you ahd to do was design levels charecters what have you without having to think about whats going on under the hood.

i had developed a working model for this on game maker pro 6 it was still kinda buggy mostly due to lack of feedback from the community at large on such a progect. so i've noticed that a system such as what is in place here could create such an engine and be able to share it with people who who are interested in such a product.

basicly i'm posting here now to see if i can find anyone directly interested in such a thing that we can bounce ideas off eachother to make the project a reality on this platform (it took months of carefull debugging and testing on my own part to get my previous engines working and even then without feedback i didnt know what else to do.)



#2 2010-06-19 12:08:36

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-07-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: sidescroller framework

Sounds cool - there are lots of people who'd be willing to work with you, I'm sure  big_smile  I'm not so good with scrolling, myself, though. I would move this to "Collaboration", but the "New Member" status means that you aren't able to post in there yet - I'll leave it here until you get upgraded  smile

And welcome to Scratch, by the way  smile

"...Jargon - the practice of never calling a spade a spade, when you might instead call it a manual earth-restructing implement..." - Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue



#3 2010-06-19 12:23:56

Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: sidescroller framework

Metalchic wrote:

stumbling across this site from another site (you dont wanna know the story behind that) and rooting around in a few of peoples well i call them pails on a site like this becasue its basicly a bucket with information in it, i realized that this might be a platform i could redevelop a sidscrolling infastructure i had once defeloped in C++ and once in GameMaker Pro 6 (its a hobby of mine dont ask) that could be shared with a community and possibly developed into a game of sorts.

i'm more of the hmm mechanical person i'm more interested in the mechanics under the hood than with the creative processes that ultimatly create a game, somthing like this provides a blank tablet onto wich you create everything. the idea i had was to create a framework where the rendering engine control engine and physics/interactions were already pre created for you and all you ahd to do was design levels charecters what have you without having to think about whats going on under the hood.

i had developed a working model for this on game maker pro 6 it was still kinda buggy mostly due to lack of feedback from the community at large on such a progect. so i've noticed that a system such as what is in place here could create such an engine and be able to share it with people who who are interested in such a product.

basicly i'm posting here now to see if i can find anyone directly interested in such a thing that we can bounce ideas off eachother to make the project a reality on this platform (it took months of carefull debugging and testing on my own part to get my previous engines working and even then without feedback i didnt know what else to do.)

Something like this:

I'm glad to think that the community will always be kind and helpful, the language will always be a fun and easy way to be introduced into programming, the motto will always be: Imagine, Program, Share - Nomolos



#4 2010-06-19 15:40:29

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-07-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: sidescroller framework

Moving to All About Scratch, so that Metalchic can reply to their own topic...  smile

"...Jargon - the practice of never calling a spade a spade, when you might instead call it a manual earth-restructing implement..." - Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue



#5 2010-06-19 18:08:30

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 4

Re: sidescroller framework

well its nice to be able to reply to my own topic now... anyway i've been playing around with the scripting engine and have figured out the first hurdle of smooth movement, colission. collision detection is a bit strange, what i've got now the actor can move around and jump but colision with the ground sprite i setup can somtimes leave the actor semi embeded in the ground depending on how far the jump was from.

another thing i've noticed is setting additional ground tiles since createing a new sprite doesnt seem to solve the problem without createing a new set of clauses to treat the second ground sprite like the first this seems like a grossly inneficeant way to do this... theres also the issue of directional detection like platforms that you cant jump up through but can stand on without falling through. does anyone have any suggestions?

(padding all my platforms with inisival 'repeller' sprites to achive this also seems grossly inneficeant)



#6 2010-06-20 04:44:52

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: sidescroller framework

Metalchic wrote:

well its nice to be able to reply to my own topic now... anyway i've been playing around with the scripting engine and have figured out the first hurdle of smooth movement, colission. collision detection is a bit strange, what i've got now the actor can move around and jump but colision with the ground sprite i setup can somtimes leave the actor semi embeded in the ground depending on how far the jump was from.

another thing i've noticed is setting additional ground tiles since createing a new sprite doesnt seem to solve the problem without createing a new set of clauses to treat the second ground sprite like the first this seems like a grossly inneficeant way to do this... theres also the issue of directional detection like platforms that you cant jump up through but can stand on without falling through. does anyone have any suggestions?

(padding all my platforms with inisival 'repeller' sprites to achive this also seems grossly inneficeant)

You could go with color detection, that way you need no sprite.

And look at This person's perfect platformer engine and you'll find that a much better way to detect collisions is to move positions slightly and check for collisions, you could use a similar concept with color detection. Add grob to your sig and help with world dominiation!                                                             Hey guys, we're seriously naming our team bob?



#7 2010-06-20 16:27:55

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 4

Re: sidescroller framework

color detection, interesting. i'll take a look into that.



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