I've looked at the post that GeneralXXX made about someone swearing on the tags. To catch these people (or person) is maybe that you make a system that automaticaly saves who tags what and then you can check and see if someone swears or makes a bad tag.
Thanks, that's in the list already. Also, we just added a filter for tags, titles and project description so it doesn't accept swear words. Of course, there are always ways of going around this filters but it's one step forward.
eyvind has been eratated by hazzadude because of him copiying one of his projects: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Eyvind/13469
also someone flaged the hazzadude version as inapropiate wich we should know who, and are #1 possabilety is Eyvind
look at the tags, man! is there a way to delete them without being the one who made the project?
now the filters make nice Bad tage "swear-free", or "swear efficent"? nice! but I've seen people say bad things, not that bad, but I've seen "People suck my boobs, and sucks my ____", sorry to post it, but I just want to let you know. Oh, and on Cube world, someone used "F" with a "_" mark between each letter. I think Scratch should have new filters, where ordinary people type in the bad things they see each time, and then SCRATCH will block it and delete it if it's on any other projects. This is my opinion, so it's only a suggestion. Thanx,