Rooms are mesh for kids!
What's a table?
A table is like Mesh, just better! There could be a "create room with room number 1234567890" button, a "remove room I host" block, a "show rooms" button and a "go in room number 1234567890" button.
What's the show rooms button do?
It brings up a table that shows the rooms being hosted (think: Microsoft Excel) including room number, usernames of everyone in the room, and a refresh button.
How do I make a room?
Easy! You click on the rooms tab (like file, edit, share, room) and you type in your Scratch username and password and you have a room!
How can I make rooms interact?
There can be a room block section that has blocks to share variables, read variables and stuff.
Post any ideas for this 2.0 idea!
Hey, that looks pretty neat!