Hello everyone.
If you need help with BB code, You can get help, here: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/help.php#bbcode If you need help with the image tag, go here: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/help.php#img If you need help with smileys, (Example: )Get help here: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/help.php#smilies
Motion blocks:
<turn cw( )degrees><turn cw( )degrees><point in direction( <point towards( <go to x )y <go to[ <glide( )secs to x )y <change x by( <set x to( <change y by( <set y to( <if on edge, bounce><x position><y position> Looks blocks:
<switch to costume[ <next costume><say[ ]for( )secs><say[ <think[ ]for( )secs><think[ <change[ ]effect by( <set[ ]effect to( <clear graphic effects><change size by( <set size to( )%><size><show><hide><go to front><go back( )layers>
Sound blocks:
<play sound[ <stop all sounds><set instrument to(<play drum( )for( )secss><set instrument to(
Before we go on...
NOTE:Sorry for EPIC spam.
Pen blocks:
<clear><pen up><change pen color by( <set pen color to( <change pen shade by( <set pen shade to( <change pen size by( <stamp>
Control blocks:
<when green flag clicked><when[ ]key pressed><when[ ]clicked><wait( )secsc><forever><repeat( <broadcast[ <broadcast[ ]and wait c><when I receive[ <forever if><if><end><else><wait until><repeat until><stop script><stop all>
Sensing blocks:
<mouse x><mouse y><mouse down?><key[ ]pressed?><touching[ <touching color[ <color[ ]is over[ <distance to[ <reset timer><timer><loudness><loud?>
Numbers blocks:
(( <+> ))(( <-> ))(( <*> ))(( </> ))<pick random( )to( <( <<> )><( <=> )><( <>> )><< <and> >><< <not> >>(( <mod> ))<abs( <round(
Variables blocks:
<change{ }by( <set{ }to( <{ }>
Here's an example of a code box(You can not use any other BB code in it):
I got a code!!!
You can only find how to do that at the BB code link(On top).
Once again, sorry for spam.
This will be updated, so check back week after week to see this!
Last edited by Good_boy (2010-06-20 14:21:58)
It's fine, but you accidentally posted two of the same topic.
Nice! Don't worry, it's not spam... you have those blocks there for a reason.
There's some BBCode for blocks:
They stop text from going all bold and spaced.
Here's my guide: here.
Jonathanpb wrote:
Nice! Don't worry, it's not spam... you have those blocks there for a reason.
There's some BBCode for blocks:Code:
[blocks][/blocks]They stop text from going all bold and spaced.
Here's my guide: here.
I looked in the guide, is this really stickied?
Good_boy wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
Nice! Don't worry, it's not spam... you have those blocks there for a reason.
There's some BBCode for blocks:Code:
[blocks][/blocks]They stop text from going all bold and spaced.
Here's my guide: here.I looked in the guide, is this really stickied?
Part of the guide:
I've seen a topic before that told you all about BBCode. This topic was great (in fact, it got stickied)-
I was referring to the old topic that was stickied. Mine never was...