technoguyx wrote:
addy107 wrote:
technoguyx wrote:
Me four. D:<Me five
Actually you're eleven (or ten, since illusionist skipped a number).
Its about time someone noticed!
Its an optical illusion... and It helps filter out the non-observant ones,
Jonathanpb wrote:
Chrischb wrote:
illusionist_extra wrote:
Me SEVEN!!!Me eight... Dx
Me nine!
Hey, let's get back on topic.![]()
If the forums are going to be new, will we lose everything and have a clean forum? That'd be crazy, so I think not.![]()
Well, I remember some one was asking if they could get a beta of 2.0 and the mods said to click a certain link when the beta was out. If I could find that post...
I found it!
billyedward wrote:
OK, lets face it: IT ISN'T OUT YET!
And, I assure you, these are NOT fake links:
When either 1.5 or 2.0 does come out, these links should lead you to them, as they actually follow the format that all of the other versions since 1.1 did.
However, you will find them to be broken, currently, since 1.5 and 2.0 aren't out yet.
illusionist wrote:
Greatdane wrote:
WRONG! 1.4.1 is already out. It is the new Linux version.
And it is confirmed, 1.5 will never exist.
Where can you get it (referring to 1.4.1)?
terminator68 wrote:
illusionist wrote:
Greatdane wrote:
WRONG! 1.4.1 is already out. It is the new Linux version.
And it is confirmed, 1.5 will never exist.Where can you get it (referring to 1.4.1)?
It has been added to the Scratch download page.
illusionist wrote:
terminator68 wrote:
illusionist wrote:
WRONG! 1.4.1 is already out. It is the new Linux version.
And it is confirmed, 1.5 will never exist.Where can you get it (referring to 1.4.1)?
It has been added to the Scratch download page.
thanx a bunch! However, this is just scratch for linux right? nothing else?
Last edited by terminator68 (2010-05-20 20:02:47)
markyparky56 wrote:
likegames wrote:
Penguinsrock wrote:
I'll have to quit Scratch then...If it's going to be Adobe Flash Player, my laptop won't be able to view projects unless I download. That'd be a hassle.
Why not? You're mising out on a wholeload of great things.
Because Java isn't compatible with Chrome.
likegames wrote:
markyparky56 wrote:
likegames wrote:
LOL I HAVE FLASH BUT NOT JAVA!Why not? You're mising out on a wholeload of great things.
Because Java isn't compatible with Chrome.
Yes it is!
I have Chrome, and I use Java everyday!
You ARE missing a lot.
likegames wrote:
markyparky56 wrote:
likegames wrote:
LOL I HAVE FLASH BUT NOT JAVA!Why not? You're mising out on a wholeload of great things.
Because Java isn't compatible with Chrome.
Yes it is. Besides, you could always use a different browser.
coolstuff wrote:
likegames wrote:
markyparky56 wrote:
Why not? You're mising out on a wholeload of great things.Because Java isn't compatible with Chrome.
Yes it is. Besides, you could always use a different browser.
It's a pain on my Chrome, recently it's been throwing AppletNotFoundExceptions or some similar nonsense.
By the way, gershmer posted this awesome video in the Misc with mres talking about 2.0:
I wish I could watch it but I'm at a friend's house, maybe someone could summarize what they said?
fullmoon wrote:
coolstuff wrote:
likegames wrote:
Because Java isn't compatible with Chrome.
Yes it is. Besides, you could always use a different browser.
It's a pain on my Chrome, recently it's been throwing AppletNotFoundExceptions or some similar nonsense.
By the way, gershmer posted this awesome video in the Misc with mres talking about 2.0:
I wish I could watch it but I'm at a friend's house, maybe someone could summarize what they said?
It was basically a suggestion period for 2.0.
Some of the things that were suggested were:
-More online connectivity, in ways such as NetScratch - They're "definitely thinking" about this
-When I receive block - Apparently, it's been suggested a lot!
-BYOB-like features - procedures: they've been experimenting and it WILL be implemented in some form or another
-Easier sharing - such as mailing a friend a scratch project and letting them use it out-of-the-box
-More ways to share, such as without using the Scratch website as a "middleman"
-Platform-independency - double-clicking a project and starting it up
-Viewing the code for a project right online - that way the discussion in the comments is more code-based.
And more! 'Twas exciting!
Last edited by coolstuff (2010-05-22 20:17:51)
Anything about Flash? It's really important to me that they either have some sort of URL loading functionality or they expose the ExternalInterface class in the form of a block. I guess I'll just have to wait 'til I get home to watch it
Wat wil b da best is if we could have a block creator to quickly make blocks without hacking!
Scratch 1.4 has MESH hidden in it. I'll tell you how to activate it, or, you can do it the easy way by downloading BYOB. Just Google it. So her's how to activate MESH:
You know the R in the scratch logo. hold shift and click on it. This menu will come up. click on "turn fill screen off." This white thing will appear somewhere. Click on it, and a menu will come up. Click open, and another menu will come up. Click browser. A green menu will come up. Click "Scratch-UI-Paines", "scratch frame morph", "menu button actions", and "addservercommandsto". you know the "t2 <- false"? change the "false" to "true", right click, click accept, type your initials (It won't steal your identity), and press the x. shift click share to connect to a MESH
chaoticmaster wrote:
Wat wil b da best is if we could have a block creator to quickly make blocks without hacking!
That's in BYOB and Panther...
MathWizz wrote:
technoguyx wrote:
BWOG wrote:
Me three!Me four. D:<
I cant wait for it all!
What I really want is:
( Distance to point y: x: )
Finds the distance to a certain point
[Point towards point y: x:]
Points towards a point
<I receive [_____]>
If it is receiving it pretty much exactly as its reading that block
<I recieved [_____]>
If it already has recieved it
[Broadcast [____] for ( ) Secs]
Broadcasts a message for a certain length of time
<Touching stamp of [___]>
Pull down bar will include any and list of sprites
<Touching pen of [___]>
Same as above but with a pen
[Restart script]
Would be very usefull for some scripts rather than stopping
[Retrace path for [ ] steps]
Goes back along its path for a certain amount of steps
[Stop script ( ) of sprite [____]]
For stopping scripts other than itself and all
[Stop movement]
Stops all of the sprites movement (AKA glide)
Last edited by colorfusion (2010-05-29 06:09:05)
jaapjaap2 wrote:
will scratch go faster with big games and not lag or glitch?
With Scratch 2.0, it expected to go a lot faster. Glitches, unfortunately, are the fault of the programmer, so that's up to you
tcb wrote:
if its in flash, sure it will be cool, but it would be twice as good in javascript. No plugins, no crashes.
Javscript can always crash, plus would be a smaller file hopefuly, plus, I though javascript was for webpages... not programs...
Well if scratch uses Flash as its' language, things will get a whole lot easier. There is a program which allows you to convert files into flash so long as they use the Flash (action script) language. This means we can convert scratch projects into flash and put them anywhere. I HOPE THE SCRATCH TEAM LETS US DO THAT! 8D If not I understand.
Chocolate331 wrote:
Well if scratch uses Flash as its' language, things will get a whole lot easier. There is a program which allows you to convert files into flash so long as they use the Flash (action script) language. This means we can convert scratch projects into flash and put them anywhere. I HOPE THE SCRATCH TEAM LETS US DO THAT! 8D If not I understand.
But Scratch projects won't use Actionscript - although to run the project, that will require interpreting it using Actionscript, which really increases that likelihood
According to the Scratch wiki, Scratch 2.0 will NOT be available on the iPhone/Pod because they are not capable of using flash. Also, according to Scratch Suggestions, 3 things are under review: Scratch Resources being part of the website, collapsable scripts, and allowing data from websites to be stored in lists/variables.
Last edited by Lellowsfuzz (2010-08-16 20:52:04)