on my computer i am perm banned any other computer it works fine but this is ridiculous i got banned for unknown reason sometimes its that sometimes its because other people i dont even know posting inappropriate comments on my projects,.
electrified123 wrote:
on my computer i am perm banned any other computer it works fine but this is ridiculous i got banned for unknown reason sometimes its that sometimes its because other people i dont even know posting inappropriate comments on my projects,.
That sounds like a block on your network access point. Maybe somebody else with a different account in the same house or school posted something inappropriate? Have you been in touch with the Scratch Team about this? They are the ones that you need to be talking to. help@scratch.mit.edu
Hi electrified - we've written several responses to your emails, but apparently you haven't gotten them (maybe check your spam folder?). Your account isn't blocked - only your network is, because it was used by other accounts to post disrespectful content.