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#1 2010-05-26 04:20:11

Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 1000+

How to make an RPG

HI, I'm helltank. I am a new forum poster(but I have good etiquette),and a fairly new  Scratcher too. It is ironic, that nowadays RPGs are very popular... but some people don't even know the basic blocks for movement!
This post is to try to guide you through the process of making an RPG:
5)Getting Popularity

Here is the script:
When Flag Pressed
If-Right Arrow Pressed
Change Y by 1

This is a very simple piece of basic code I learnt, well, a few days ago...*embarrassed look on face* So anyway, you should be able to figure the rest out(I don't have the time to add the entire script, sorry!  sad ).

This is a staple of many RPGs. There are many types of enemies you can make, but for a simple RPG, I suggest a basic Soldier enemy that decreases his Health Bar by one. The health bar(well, it DOES have to do with enemies!)can be represented in 2 forms. First, the most common, but unfortunately most cheap and "ugly" way, is to have a variable called: Health. The second, which takes longer but which I prefer, is to have a health bar sprite with costumes representing various states of health.

As this is an RPG and not a puzzle game, the challenges should be relatively simple unless they involve combat. Here are some simple challenges for a beginner RPG:

Hit Switch--->Unlock Gate
The switch should be guarded by about 2 soldier enemies and a commander.

Talk to old man--->He tells you secret passageway
Make the old man OBVIOUS.

Teammate follows you into cave--->Boulder blocks way--->You teleport to behind the boulders and hit the switch which destroys the boulder
Make sure the teammate OR the player has some way of getting past. Alternatively, you can break the boulders.

Ah yes, the tutorial. This is an essential part of any RPG. First, you have to decide what sort of tutorial it will be. Let's look at the pros and cons of each type:
Interactive Tutorial-the player can actually execute the move
Pros:You will actually show the player exactly how to throw a fireball
Cons:It can get long and tiring
Gameplay Tutorial-spread out through the game, and is activated when something new comes up
Pros:You can actually see the object, instead of just,"A Spiritstone".
Cons:May interrupt gameplay
Instuction Tutorial-is included in the game start menu, and includes only text
Pros:Is optional and short
Cons:You cannot experience the real thing

After you have decided, all that is left is to create the tutorial. Make sure it is not too long and tedious. Here is a good example:
Narrator:Welcome to SwordLand! Move with the arrow keys. Try walking over there
*walk to the spot indicated*
*giant rat appears*
Narrator:It's a giant rat! Quick, kill it by pressing the spacebar!
*kill giant rat*
Narrator:That concludes the tutorial. Feel free to explore! I suggest you go to ______

Note that it is not long, you can actually kill the giant rat, and it even reccomends places to go!

Since this is an RPG, you are likely to get many views and maybe even some love its! However, most people want more.Admit it. Everybody wants their projects to be on the front page, to get famous, and so on. While I can't garuntee your fame, I can provide some tips to help you get there.
1)Try to make sure the gameplay is smooth
Instead of using the move 5 steps block, try using the change x/y by 10 block. This will ensure that the walking is not so choppy.
2)Make it interesting
Instead of a hack and slash, have a full storyline ready! Don't tell the player that he sees an old man; he knows that already. Tell him that you see the elderly wizened Magris, who was an advisor to King Luther II.
3)Don't spam and brag
Nobody reads a comment like, "COME AND SEE THE BEST PROJECT EVAR!!!! SEE OR I WILL REPORT ALL YOUR PROJECTS AS INAPPROPRIATE!!!!!!!" but they do read,"Please look at this project and tell me what you think of it. Thanks!

Well, this concludes my guide on making an RPG! Thank you for reading and please add other tips in the comments. I will add them and give you credit!  smile  Remember, no tip is too stupid to add!

Last edited by helltank (2010-05-26 08:22:36)

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#2 2010-05-26 05:57:06

Registered: 2008-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: How to make an RPG

That's brilliant!  yikes  Great guide!  big_smile

"Human beings... must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
-Charlotte Brontë



#3 2010-05-26 07:33:26

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: How to make an RPG

That's a wonderful guide! Great job!



#4 2010-05-26 08:03:48

Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: How to make an RPG

Thanks! I don"t think it"s that great though! Why is it that my guides and articles all get praised? I hope it"s because I have a talent for it!  big_smile

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#5 2010-05-26 12:33:31

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: How to make an RPG

If right arrow pressed should be up arrow, or you need to change the y to x.
This tutorial needs a LOT of work IMO because...
-Only tells on one small piece of code
-You don't go into much detail
-The move steps block is actually LESS laggy, I think you mean the "when [ ] key pressed" and not if <key [ ] pressed>.

It should be called "how to improve your rpg" or "what to do when planning an rpg"

And if you want a free health bar sprite (100 frames  tongue ) look here: Add grob to your sig and help with world dominiation!                                                             Hey guys, we're seriously naming our team bob?



#6 2010-05-28 09:19:06

Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: How to make an RPG

Thanks for your feedback! I'm afraid I'm a Scratch beginner so.... I know how to use Scratch in theory but I don't know stuff like where to get a free hp bar sprite or that the move steps block is less laggy.... personally, I find it MUCH smoother.

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