<when green flag clicked><forever><wait until><( <{ die }> <=> 1 )><change x by( -1<wait until><( <{ die }> <=> 1 )><change x by( -1<wait until><( <{ die }> <=> 1 )><change x by( -1
and it goes on
i need to shortern it!
Are you talking about this?
[when green flag clicked)
[][wait until <((die) = (1))>]
[][change x by (-1)]
[(end forever)]
If so, you could do this:
[when green flag clicked)
[forever if <((die) = (1))>]
[][change x by (-1)]
[(end forever if)]
I wouldn't do the last if I were you - I wouldn't use the forever if block, and it's silly to use that script instead of the first one. But do whatever you want.
That's actually pretty short. Jonathan's way will cause some (0.001 seconds, but I care about that ) lag. Since you're doing the same thing, you could just have ONE wait until and then change.
when start clicked
wait until <die = 1>
change x by (-1)
end forever