I just found Scratch last week while looking for a way to introduce my 9 year old daughter to programming. So far, it seems like I've made a good choice! She's really enjoying it, but I'm having fun with it, too. In fact, I've already shared my first program http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/DB88/1062134 Check it out and let me know what you think.
Hi! Welcome to Scratch! I'd say "have fun", but it seems like you both are already
So, have even more fun
Hello! Welcome to scratch! I'm fg123. As you can see, we have a very friendly community here in the forums. If you ever need help, post in the forums, and we will get you an answer in a very quick time.
Have fun! (Or as Wolfie says, "Have even more fun.")
Good luck!
Welcome to Scratch! Even though that is a very common usage of the phrase... whatever. Experiment with the blocks! Make many projects, and don't use all your time doing Add Yourself projects. I do it when I am bored, but not much. I used to be only-art, then only-forum, and now I'm all-in-all. I do programming, art, and forums, though I do forums mostly. By the way, I am 9. I'd like to meet your daughter! What's her username?
Very nice first program! Welcome to Scratch, have fun, and Scratch on!
Last edited by Aidan (2010-05-21 18:09:15)