A lot of the projects from the Scratch program are being uploaded, and the people are claiming they weren't. Example --> http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/hiyaman/8600
I think these projects should be automatically deleted and/or the user banned, or temporally frozen.
Thank you for your message rely12101. I don't think deleting people's project is a good idea unless they are inappropriate. Some people might just be testing the upload feature and others might have make a very small change to one of the sample projects and upload it. Checking for the code and sprites to make sure is not one of the sample projects is not a trivial thing.
Actually checking for unmodified copies would not be too hard with a checksum.
Projects that are identical to one of the demo projects could be posted to the users "my stuff" page, but not be permitted in galleries or the "latest projects" lists. Of course, once gallery owners get to pick and choose which projects go in their galleries, this will stop being a problem, as most gallery owners will not deliberately pick plagiarized work.
Scratch users that have copied my projects and called it their own:
mina: Copied my Pong game and called it her own
alex21alex: Copied my BigRedButton and rearranged the the counter, button, and title slightly, and called it his/hers.