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I know that I haven't always followed the Terms of Use, and I'm not on the forums 24/7, but I think that if I were elected Community Moderator, I would change all that. I would contribute to the forums, I will recite the Terms of Use from memory every night before bed, and obey them. I know the responsibilities of a Forum Moderator, and I think that If I were one, I could follow those rules.
I don't remember doing anything bad, but if I did, I will promise you that nothing like that will happen ever again if Elected Moderator.
Enough of what I will stop doing, now what I will do.
1.) I will be nice when telling someone what they did wrong.
2.) I will close offensive topics.
3.) I will support MIT and the Scratch Team.
4.) I will stop being the Evil Emperor That my username states.
5.) I will do everything and MORE than what the current mods do!
That's all. I hope you enjoyed reading my speech.
Scratch on,
User Edit:
I forgot to put in that I love scratch will never quit, and will stay on scratch as long as it exists!
Thank you scratch team for making scratch so fun and amazing!
Last edited by EmperorEvil (2010-05-18 16:44:57)
Last Minute submission. Well I finally got into the announcements forum to find this. I'm going to approach this a different way than others, because most people just say that they are the greatest and they should be picked. I figure an ethic, honest Pro/Con situation is the best way to do this.
Pros of picking coka as a moderator:
I have had nearly 3 years of programming experience with scratch. I started in October of 2007 and then made an online account in November of 2007. Scratch was a quiet community, but everyone helped each other out kindly. Since I have a lot of this experience, I could pass it onto others. I started using the forums a lot in later 2008. With a year of programming experience I tried to help others as much as possible. In the Summer of 2009 I was constantly on the forums suggesting, helping, troubleshooting and making guides that many people enjoyed. Beyond the forums, I created some new projects that many people enjoyed. I also want to explore deeper into scratch in the near future. This scratch community is amazing, and I haven't been in a better controlled online environment that is evolving so much. I can't wait to see how far scratch can go. EDIT: I'd like to add that I have a lot of computer knowledge. I understand some causes of advanced technical errors. Don't put me on the top of the list for being a mod. I like to put others first. Let all those others have the chance.
Not everyone is perfect, so why not admit our mistakes? I still have quite a bit to learn in scratch. I still am learning some terms, but mostly those tougher mathematical blocks. People don't know me so well. A lot of people have heard of me, but they just maybe don't know much about me. I can't answer every question on scratch. I'm not a genius like some others are. I can't guaranty constant moderation. School is busy, but I school is ending soon, so I will be on a lot more. If I do get this task I will be sure to put a lot of time and effort into it!
That's all
If you choose me I can surely do my job!
Last edited by coka (2010-05-17 22:26:45)
I'm willing to run for moderator next year, 2011!
'I promise to fulfill my tasks
from flagging inappropiate projects
to cleaning up spam."
Topic closed