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#1 2010-02-24 03:47:43

Registered: 2007-12-18
Posts: 500+

Plurals in Scratch website

To all Scratchers whose plurals do not conform to the simple pattern singular+'s'.

Would you be so kind so to list the full set of plurals (even more than one for each word, if applicable) in your language for the following words?

    * sprite
    * script
    * minute
    * hour
    * day
    * week
    * month
    * year
    * access
    * tagger
    * person
    * download
    * gallery
    * member
    * creator
    * project

Please, add to the list of translations the singular form too, e.g. in Russian for the word "minute"

1 минута
2, 3, 4 минуты
5, 6, 7, 8 минут

If you saw other bad pluralizations in the website, please add them to the list.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Last edited by s_federici (2010-02-24 03:52:58)



#2 2010-05-16 05:28:30

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-05-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Plurals in Scratch website

I'm very sorry for the delayed response, here's a full set for the Russian language.

The words are listed in the following format:
[english] - [russian singular] - [russian plural a] - [russian plural b] - [russian plural c]

SINGULAR - for all numbers that end with 1, not counting numbers that end with 11. Example: 21 downloads
PLURAL A - for all numbers that end with 2, 3, 4, not counting numbers that end with 12, 13, 14. Example: 22 downloads
PLURAL B - for all numbers that end with 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and for numbers that end with 11, 12, 13, 14. Example: 11 downloads
PLURAL C - if no number is given. Example: do you want to delete these projects?

sprite -------------- спрайт ---------------- спрайта ---------------- спрайтов ------- спрайты
script -------------- скрипт ---------------- скрипта ---------------- скриптов ------- скрипты
minute ------------- минута ---------------- минуты ------------------ минут ---------- минуты
hour ------------------ час --------------------- часа --------------------- часов ----------- часы
day ------------------- день -------------------- дня ---------------------- дней ------------ дни
week --------------- неделя ---------------- недели ----------------- недель -------- недели
month -------------- месяц ----------------- месяца ----------------- месяцев ------- месяцы
year ------------------ год ---------------------- года -------------------- годов ----------- годы
access ------------- доступ ---------------- доступа ---------------- доступов ------- доступы
tagger -------------- тэггер ----------------- тэггера ---------------- теггеров ------- тэггеров
person ------------ человек -------------- человека --------------- человек --------- людей
download --- человек скачал --- человека скачало --- человек скачало ----- ???
gallery ------------ сборник --------------- сборника ------------- сборников ---- сборники
member ------------- член ------------------- члена ------------------ членов --------- членов
creator ---------- создатель ------------ создателя ------------- создателей     --- создателей
project ------------ проект ---------------- проекта ---------------- проектов ------ проекты

I translated "downloads" as "people downloaded" because the russian word for "downloads" sounded very clumsy... I know what you're thinking! "Neptune! Get rid of those filthy advertisements and give us back the Zarathustra siggy, you horrible person!" Well, don't worry about it, the Zara siggy will be back soon, new and improved! ^^ Meanwhile, just do what the sig tells you to. >.>



#3 2010-05-17 12:09:44

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-06-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: Plurals in Scratch website

Dutch tends to use english words for computer-ish language instead of creating its own words  wink
The words with + s can't be translated into Dutch and therefore use the English forms.
No need for columns - at pluralization Dutch is a very easy language. Verbs tend to be way more complicated - well, you didn't ask for verbs...

English Singular > Dutch Singular; Dutch Plural
sprite + s
script + s
minute > 1 minuut; 2 minuten
hour > 1 uur; 2 uren
day > 1 dag; 2 dagen
week > 1 week ; 2 weken
month > 1 maand ; 2 maand
year > 1 jaar; 2 jaren
access > toegang; (no plural - "1 toegang" is weird too; Should be like 2 times accessed (2 maal bekeken)
tagger (+ s better then the translation used) > 1 labelaar; 2 labelaars (  hmm  it's the word used but it's a bad translation)
person > 1 persoon; 2 personen
download + s
gallery > 1 gallerie; 2 gallerieën
member > 1 lid; 2 leden (irregular plural)
creator > 1maker; 2 makers
project > 1 project; 2 projecten

@MRN - Someone in my class speaks Russian with her mom on the phone  wink  It sounds so cool xD



#4 2010-05-17 13:37:06

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-05-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Plurals in Scratch website

Your pluralization is simple... the poor Scratch Team will probably have a hard time with my plurals. D: I know what you're thinking! "Neptune! Get rid of those filthy advertisements and give us back the Zarathustra siggy, you horrible person!" Well, don't worry about it, the Zara siggy will be back soon, new and improved! ^^ Meanwhile, just do what the sig tells you to. >.>



#5 2010-05-17 14:11:41

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-06-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: Plurals in Scratch website

Indeed ^^



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