Hey, I think we should be able to 'Personalise' our page with projects on. Please view http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/SabGames/985983 for more details, it's not scam, it's my project to show and it was made 3 weeks ago from today (05th May 2010) 5 people have already admitted that it would be great! (One person TWICE!) Since I barely get popular, I think it's quite good? Anyway, I hope the scratch community note this, because I would really like it to happen. (Thanks for your support!) (You rock!)
I like this idea, but some people could potentially use inappropriate material. The Scratch Team and I wouldn't like inappropriate material on userpages...
Nobody would, except for those who use it. xP
I'm happy with the Scratch look, but decorating my profile wouldn't be bad.
I'm happy with the Scratch look, but decorating my profile wouldn't be bad.... in moderation. (No pun intended.) Before this can be implemented, people need to be warned that inappropriate material on userpages can lead to a ban. Graphic material, especially.
Vista4563 wrote:
I'm happy with the Scratch look, but decorating my profile wouldn't be bad.... in moderation. (No pun intended.) Before this can be implemented, people need to be warned that inappropriate material on userpages can lead to a ban. Graphic material, especially.
Agreed. I like the idea though. Maybe there could be a "report inappropriate profile" button somewhere?
Awsome idea. I'd would like to be able to customize my page.
This has been suggested before, and if I recall correctly, the Scratch Team said no. 3:
But paddle saw it and liked it and told SabGames to put it in the Scratch 2.0 gallery D:
steppenwulf wrote:
But paddle saw it and liked it and told SabGames to put it in the Scratch 2.0 gallery D:
Saw what?
But I still think that would be kind of useless. If you want to customize your page, why won't you join MySpace? Scratch is a programming website.
I think they responded to the idea quite coldly. I don't remember what they said though, so I might be wrong, or they might have changed their opinions by now. But still I would be surprised if they agreed to work on something so... unrelated to Scratch. ^^"
By "it" I meant SabGames' project
steppenwulf wrote:
By "it" I meant SabGames' project
Oh, I found that gallery now. ^^
Hehe, they're just encouraging people to propose ideas, it's not like they will implement all of them. >8D *evil chuckle*
But really I think it would be quite interesting to find out what they think of it... I guess we should wait until Scratch 2.0 comes out. ^_^