I've been trying to upload a game for a couple of days now, and it won't upload.
The file size is not too big (only around 1400K) and I can log into the website so my username and password check out.
I did a forum search and tried out some of the suggestions, but nothing seems to work. I've tried it on several different computers and networks, and it goes through the whole upload process, hangs for a minute, and then gives an error message.
Strange thing is, the error message changes. Sometimes it says it fails for an "unknown reason", other times because of "an invalid user account" and other messages.
I've tried uploading other games (ones that I've uploaded before) and it does the same thing. I don't know if there is something wrong with my account or what, but it seems like I could upload things just fine last week, but this week, I can't.
Any ideas?
Huh, bizarre.
Apparently, the solution to this problem is to post about it in the forums, and then it'll work.
While I was typing my post, I tried uploading it one last time, and for no reason at all, it suddenly decides to work, and this is honestly after trying to upload it at least 15 different times/ways.
Go figure.
About the only thing I did differently is that I didn't upload it with tags or with spaces in the project name. I have no idea why those things would make a difference, but it worked.
You can try the game out here:
I see you were able to upload 4 projects. Spaces in the title and tags should work. If you still have troubles with tags and spaces could you let us know? Thanks!