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#1 2010-05-01 08:28:50

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

NOTE: This Guide only Works for New Scratchers, or Old Scratchers with new Accounts. And if you want, you can try to use this to fix your account! Old or New!

Thanks Everyone! For the positive comments. I also hope this gets Sticked!
Yet again, Thanks for your support!

If you think this fourm is helpful, but you think it needs more, feel free to write some of your tips! I might add them to the list!

If you help, and get your tip on the list, I will put you on the "Special thanks" list.

Tip #1

Make a good impression on other Scratch Members!

Alot of projects are inspired by other Scratch Members Feedback, and you can get this feedback by makeing lots of friends on Scratch. You can even Look at other Members projects and get inspired. This way, you can add many different types of Projects on your account. Giving the Impression on other people that you have a open mind.

Tip #2

Don't be so focus on your projects comments, or lovits. Try Looking at other Projects from other members!

As you may know, the greatest feeling on Scratch is to get a nice or positive comment on a project. So try to give that feeling to other Scratch Members. Especialy if they are new. It will make their day! And it will also make yours! Even if you think their project are horrible, or if the project makes no sense, just make them feel good!

Tip #3

Visit the fourms! Post in the Fourms! Advertize

If you want the word of your account to spread, visit and post in the fourms regulerly. Also, try to get into topics that you think will improve scratch. You can even go the Insperation and More Secion of the fourms and get inspirered for a project. Or inspiere other people for games. You can even advertize in the Show and Tell Section!

Also, to spread the word of websites, projects, or just to make a funny joke, make a signature! When you make a Signature it will appear in every forum post that you have.

Tip #4


If you spam frequently, you WILL be taged as a spamer, and will be ignored in the scratch community. If you don't have feedback on the project, or don't have somthing nice to say, than don't say it at all.

Some of you may be thinking:
"What is Spam?"
"Why is spam bad?"
"Where is that Smell Comeing from?"

All Good Questions!
Spam is when you comment on someones project, and say something that has nothing to do with what the project is about. Or it could be just an insult to the user. For example: You've just posted a project about Recycleing and being green, and you get comments like these.

"I like pie"
"Waffles are awesome"
"Hey! Check out my projects! They're Cool."
"My projects are better that yours!"
"This is stupid."
"....My dog ran away....."

I think you get the picture.

PS: Dont give yourself lovits. It just makes you look full of yourself.

For more information on Spam, visit this Fourm.

Tip #5

If someone needs help, help them.

If you help someone, people will see you as a wise Scratcher. Then People will look up to you! And plus, you get the satisfaction of helping a new Scratcher!  smile

Tip #6

Be Honest

If you are honest to everyone, you will be seen as a reliable Scratcher. Don't take this the wrong way and go give a really mean comment on someones project and say "I'm just being honest." You WILL be ignored my the scratch community.

Just always remember. Honesty is always the Policey!

Tip #7

You can always make a test account.

If you want to explore with projects, but don't think the community would like it, just make a test account. For instance. My Username is Llennoccm7
My test account would be "Test-Llennoccm7"

Tip #8

Be Patient!

This can not be stressed enough. Like 48bob said "Be patient. You cant get 100 views in three hours. Over time, people will start to see your projects."

Tip #9

If you think something is not good, Flag it.

If you think somethiung is not good, dirty, mean, or anything bad, don't be afraid to flag it. Not quality bad, but bad stuff.

"Just below the project, there's a line of links - in that line there's stuff like loving the project, adding it to you gallery, etc... Also in that line is a link to flag it as inappropriate. Click that link and a box should show up asking you to explain why (I think...) and then click OK to flag it"'

Special Thanks to:

I hope this helps!
Give me feedback!

Last edited by Llennoccm7 (2010-07-05 21:01:10)

Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#2 2010-05-01 09:51:02

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-07-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

That's a nice guide you've got!  big_smile  Maybe add a bit about what spam is, because some new members don't know what spam is?

"...Jargon - the practice of never calling a spade a spade, when you might instead call it a manual earth-restructing implement..." - Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue



#3 2010-05-01 19:54:49

Registered: 2008-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

This is brilliant!  smile

"Human beings... must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
-Charlotte Brontë



#4 2010-05-01 20:07:10

Scratch Team
Registered: 2009-03-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Nice! This isn't just for new users- older users can always fix the way they act! Anyway, nice job! I can't think of anything else to add...

Last edited by scmb1 (2010-05-02 12:30:58)



#5 2010-05-01 20:20:25

Registered: 2008-07-24
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

You might want to link to this thread.  smile  It explains spam types.

I fall: It's a tragedy. You fall: It's comedy.
Hmph enjoy your fall - I get a lovely spring... without pans of new leaves.



#6 2010-05-02 11:18:24

Registered: 2009-12-04
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Maybe this will get stickied. If I started with this existing, it would be awesome, and I wouldn't have done some spam!



#7 2010-05-02 11:36:07

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-07-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Great guide! This should get stickied!  smile



#8 2010-05-04 16:38:41

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Just Wanted to Update the Thread.

Thanks for the Support everyone!

Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#9 2010-05-09 18:40:49

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Common guys. We gotta keep this thread alive!

Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#10 2010-05-09 18:56:05

Registered: 2009-12-04
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

For the helpping people, don't forget that scratchers can make a test account, load the tutorial there, then give a link.You may want to add a part about test accounts. No giving yourself love-it's cyberbullying, etc...




#11 2010-05-13 20:01:22

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Just Updateing

Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#12 2010-05-13 20:07:52

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Excellent tips! Sorry this is a little bit late, but really great tips! I definitely keep this in the back of my mind at all times, but new users might not be so accustomed to them. It's also nice to have these set down for somebody to refer to at a later date.



#13 2010-05-21 19:13:02

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

just updateing

Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#14 2010-05-31 18:49:27

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Please Keep this Thread Alive!

Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#15 2010-06-03 06:44:10

Registered: 2010-02-02
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Llennoccm7 wrote:

"....My dog ran away....."

You just made me go pick up my dog!

My beyond cute lakeland terrier POPPY  help me



#16 2010-06-03 15:37:07

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

poppy640 wrote:

Llennoccm7 wrote:

"....My dog ran away....."

You just made me go pick up my dog!

#1, i didnt say that.
#2, i dont even have a dog.

Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#17 2010-06-06 08:18:05

Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

This is a great guide! However, I think you should tell new users that they CAN advertise in the show and tell section!

Error:Signature could not load. Please wait for an indefinite amount of time, until you realize you're gullible and go off to look for another potentially interesting signature to stare at.



#18 2010-06-13 09:37:45

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account


Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#19 2010-06-19 16:36:49

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account


Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#20 2010-06-21 16:34:14

Registered: 2009-11-06
Posts: 18

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

one other thing you should add: be patient. you cant get 100 views in three hours. over time, people will start to see your projects



#21 2010-06-21 16:34:53

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

48bob wrote:

one other thing you should add: be patient. you cant get 100 views in three hours. over time, people will start to see your projects

That should definitely be stressed more on this website.



#22 2010-06-30 13:17:01

Registered: 2008-01-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account


Go to PipeIineGames! The First Annual Scratch Awards!



#23 2010-07-02 10:41:04

Registered: 2010-02-02
Posts: 100+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Llennoccm7 wrote:

poppy640 wrote:

Llennoccm7 wrote:

"....My dog ran away....."

You just made me go pick up my dog!

#1, i didnt say that.
#2, i dont even have a dog.

I know that that was an example comment but its kind of a "made u look" thing, i read the sample "what not to post on a totally non dog related project" comment, started thinking about my dog, Poppy, and went over to her picked her up and put her on my lap sat and on the computer chair.(she went to sleep)

My beyond cute lakeland terrier POPPY  help me



#24 2010-07-05 14:04:10

Registered: 2010-06-29
Posts: 500+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

Please tell me how to flag I saw an inappropriate project a little while a go

LOL signature fail



#25 2010-07-05 14:39:38

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Tips on How to form a Healthy, Friendly Scratch Account

FunDude wrote:

Please tell me how to flag I saw an inappropriate project a little while a go

Just below the project, there's a line of links - in that line there's stuff like loving the project, adding it to you gallery, etc... Also in that line is a link to flag it as inappropriate. Click that link and a box should show up asking you to explain why (I think...) and then click OK to flag it  smile



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