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#26 2010-05-11 08:01:12

Registered: 2010-03-22
Posts: 39

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

3-4 warnings for a ban for one day? Pathetic. *Writes on list*
Don't deny needing my rules, I see it everywhere, the rules are the flimsyest I've ever seen.

Last edited by mikey1105 (2010-05-11 08:03:20)



#27 2010-05-11 08:23:36

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

mikey1105 wrote:

3-4 warnings for a ban for one day? Pathetic. *Writes on list*
Don't deny needing my rules, I see it everywhere, the rules are the flimsyest I've ever seen.

This is also one of the sites with the youngest people. Add grob to your sig and help with world dominiation!                                                             Hey guys, we're seriously naming our team bob?



#28 2010-05-11 11:41:10

Scratch Team
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

We may be moving towards a stricter rule system. But it is not a simple problem. On the one hand, we want to give Scratchers the freedom to discuss anything they are interested in. On the other, we have limited resources, and only so many moderators, and we don't want to spend all our time cleaning up after the flames. So we may become more strict in the future. Sometimes being strict takes less time.

Ideally, you guys as members of the Scratch community would come up with the rules that you feel are fair. This discussion seemed to start out in the right direction, but hasn't made that much progress - I think because it's gotten a bit edgy and disrespectful at times.

For a thread - and a community - to be productive, it's important that everyone involved maintains a respectful attitude. Otherwise the discussion just becomes like this:

  Person A: I'm right! You don't know anything!
  Person B: No, I'm right! You don't know anything!

(Not that this thread is any worse than many others you'll find on the internet - actually, it's quite a bit better than most.  smile   But in order to bring about real, positive change, it should focus more on the ideas themselves than who is right or wrong...)

Help Scratchers make the leap to 2.0!



#29 2010-05-12 00:32:19

Registered: 2010-03-22
Posts: 39

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

Lightnin wrote:

We may be moving towards a stricter rule system. But it is not a simple problem. On the one hand, we want to give Scratchers the freedom to discuss anything they are interested in. On the other, we have limited resources, and only so many moderators, and we don't want to spend all our time cleaning up after the flames. So we may become more strict in the future. Sometimes being strict takes less time.

Ideally, you guys as members of the Scratch community would come up with the rules that you feel are fair. This discussion seemed to start out in the right direction, but hasn't made that much progress - I think because it's gotten a bit edgy and disrespectful at times.

For a thread - and a community - to be productive, it's important that everyone involved maintains a respectful attitude. Otherwise the discussion just becomes like this:

  Person A: I'm right! You don't know anything!
  Person B: No, I'm right! You don't know anything!

(Not that this thread is any worse than many others you'll find on the internet - actually, it's quite a bit better than most.  smile   But in order to bring about real, positive change, it should focus more on the ideas themselves than who is right or wrong...)

Thank you, it's good to have a mature user come and inform me. I try my est at being respectful, I guess I should try a bit more, eh?  smile



#30 2010-05-12 11:51:17

Scratch Team
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

mikey1105 wrote:

I try my est at being respectful, I guess I should try a bit more, eh?  smile

Believe me, I've seen worse.  big_smile

But I'm glad you are bringing this up. I encourage you to start a new thread proposing new rules for the forums, and see if you can manage the discussion in such a way that the tone stays really respectful. You will most likely have to compromise, and accept other's viewpoints in order to construct a better solution than the one you first propose
It won't be easy - but I think that process is more likely to be successful. 

If the rules you guys come up with are reasonable, and fit well with our _Terms of Use_, we can talk about putting them to use.

Help Scratchers make the leap to 2.0!



#31 2010-05-12 16:51:00

Registered: 2007-07-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

mikey1105 wrote:

Thank you, it's good to have a mature user come and inform me. I try my best at being respectful, I guess I should try a bit more, eh?  smile

May I make a point?

Mature, by definition, means "fully developed in body or mind, as a person," in which it can mean one who is older than 18, or one who is mentally wise. The most common definition, however, is my latter, the mentally wise one. People view the latter definition as one who is not easily angered, sophisticated, and calm. Even if I have been, there are plenty of users who have not been obnoxious toward you in this thread (i.e. calm, sophisticated) and have told you politely that they disagree with your proposed rules.

In the event I am incorrect, please inform me, but it appears that you have called Lightnin the only "mature" one. Lightnin has acted kindly toward you, as well. But he is also the only one who has not directly and forcefully stated that he does not agree with your rules. Does this mean that your definition of "mature" is "one who does not disagree" or "one who agrees"?

That is, unfortunately, not a very accurate definition.

We simply do not agree with your rules. Some have been perfectly mature, others have not.

That is all.

Oh, and maybe I'm not the right person to judge, but I've seen respect that's a lot worse than yours.  wink

Last edited by cocoanut (2010-05-12 16:55:38) leave a message at the beep.
Steam: Hellephant



#32 2010-05-12 17:37:56

Registered: 2010-04-10
Posts: 100+

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

This is a dumb question, but what is troll feeding?

And so america's economy got chewed up, spit out, then it got kicked. multiple times. THEN it went flying through a window, faceplanted into some concrete, then 10 buses ran over it.  big_smile



#33 2010-05-13 01:38:42

Registered: 2010-03-22
Posts: 39

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

Sorry, I have left out some people who have been mature. That was my fault.



#34 2010-05-13 11:59:44

Scratch Team
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

Good points, cocoanut! Anyone of any age can be described as mature.  smile
And it's true there are posts in this thread that respectfully disagree with various arguments, and are mature (including by mikey1105). 

I guess my main concern is that the disrespectful posts tend to get more attention, and threaten to derail important discussions like this one. So that's why it's really important to keep things respectful when discussing these things. I think it really would be great if the community were to come up with and agree on rules for the forums.

MangaQueen wrote:

This is a dumb question, but what is troll feeding?

Not a dumb question at all. "Feeding a Troll" is when one responds aggressively to someone who is intentionally stirring up arguments or controversy to try to get a reaction - a Troll. Check this thread out for a better explanation:

Help Scratchers make the leap to 2.0!



#35 2010-05-13 13:29:54

Registered: 2010-04-10
Posts: 100+

Re: Suggestion; Stricter rules?

Oh thank you!

And so america's economy got chewed up, spit out, then it got kicked. multiple times. THEN it went flying through a window, faceplanted into some concrete, then 10 buses ran over it.  big_smile



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