Might I suggest, "Scratch server" as a term?
Sure, if you give a definition
BWOG wrote:
HD123 wrote:
PS means post script. Post script script script script script script is an improper usage.
No, PS stands for "Please See"
Here is the paragraph I used from http://www.wisegeek.com/in-a-letter-what-does-ps-mean.htm.
http://www.wisegeek.com/in-a-letter-what-does-ps-mean.htm wrote:
In a written communication, “P.S.” stands for the Latin phrase post scriptum, which means “after writing.” It is meant to reflect the fact that the text marked with “P.S.” was added after the other material had already been written, as an afterthought. You may also see a “P.P.S.” below a “P.S.,” and potentially one could create a cascade of “P.P.P.S.'s” and “P.P.P.P.S.'s,” although this is generally viewed as bad form.
Please see means something different than post script or after writing. Please see would mean something totally different than post-script or after writing.
P.S. I know this should be moved to another section of the forums, but I don't know how to do that.
P.S.S. Some other resources to prove that are http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006052019382, and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PS.
I am using this in my guide for new users. It is very useful!
I had to edit the title a little bit here - I hope you don't mind! We're trying out a new system to replace all the stickies. I needed to add Index_Topic: into the title, and there wasn't enough room so I had to edit it a wee bit... Hope it's ok!
I'm making a Google Scrationary
Can anyone tell me what a platformer game is? I feel stupid not knowing 8P
guineapig000 wrote:
Can anyone tell me what a platformer game is? I feel stupid not knowing 8P
Here's the Scratch Wiki article about platformers - I think it might answer your question
Awesome! You could add modifications (eg: panther, BYOB, itch, etc)
Cool! Not bothered to read it all though
And P.S. stands for post script, therefore "P.P.P.P.P.S." which is after after after after after writing which means the writing that is after the after after after after writing which... you get the point.
The new wiki is here. We were actually discussing about a page on this.
Also, the forums are not topics.
Awesome! One thing though, you put Announcements after Answer tab, it should go before. I don't think anyone mentioned that or if you can change it, but it's still epically awesome!
this needs updating for the new forums and stuff
Put bump in the scratchonairy! (I really am illiterate)
Wiki links should be updated
jji7skyline wrote:
Wiki links should be updated
it hasnt been updated since 2010 though, i doubt the user is still very active in the forums
coolstuff wrote:
You really shouldn't have added Archmage and Cheddargirl and the rest of 'em.
Aside from that, this is an AMAZING JOB. It contains about everything you need to know!
Cheddargirl* is part of the scratch team