Hey pplz....
check out my latest gallery, I review your game based on
-how fun it is
-overall (which is an average of the above four)
all on a scale of 1 to 10, with a description.
What you do is you add your game into the gallery, and I'll review it. If you're good enough, you can be put in the Hall of Fame.
Please do not post commments in the gallery, only post comments here. If you post comments in the gallery, ill take note of it, but ill delete it.
My gallery is here
please try
1. Gobo RPG by SonicPops - 7.8/10
2. Qaintal - 0.70 by SonicPops - 6.1/10
3. The Big Foot Game by EGEmedia - 6.2/10
4. Windows for Scratch by EGEmedia - 5.6/10
5. MIND OF THE TARDIS by EGEmedia - 6.6/10
-i will be adding a alltime/monthly/weekly winner, whose projects will be featured here
-i will also be needing more judges soon, if my gallery becomes popular
Last edited by siddthesquid (2008-05-30 16:08:08)
Once again, how did you get into the magnet program. Professional means it's your job, your being paid to do something. You are not being paid to reveiw scratch games. Your only 13 and you couldn't even make a good or original project if your life depended on it.
Geckofreak, please be respective and don't insult other users. Thanks.
Can you review these 2 games for me please? Comment on the project for reply
Actually, both of you are wrong. If he is "professionally" reviewing your game, he's doing it in a professional manner, which means a detailed review, maturity in reviewing, good spelling/grammar skills, etc. It doesn't mean he's getting paid.
^ exacally, he/she is nitpicky enough to be a good reviewer! just kidding! yeah it basically means that they go over every section of the game....
Last edited by torterra (2008-05-29 15:35:14)
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Geckofreak, please be respective and don't insult other users. Thanks.
If you knew sidd like I do you wouldn't care. Sidd goes to the same school as me and one of his favorite passtimes was insulting me. He also you to bombard my scratch acount with insults which I flaged (over 20 of them).
well u guys know wut i mean by professional....
Will you review my games?
yea sure... add them to my gallery or post the links to the games you have here
geckofreak wrote:
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Geckofreak, please be respective and don't insult other users. Thanks.
If you knew sidd like I do you wouldn't care. Sidd goes to the same school as me and one of his favorite passtimes was insulting me. He also you to bombard my scratch acount with insults which I flaged (over 20 of them).
That's not a reason to insult him. A good deed deserves another, but a bad one doesn't.
MyRedNeptune wrote:
geckofreak wrote:
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Geckofreak, please be respective and don't insult other users. Thanks.
If you knew sidd like I do you wouldn't care. Sidd goes to the same school as me and one of his favorite passtimes was insulting me. He also you to bombard my scratch acount with insults which I flaged (over 20 of them).
That's not a reason to insult him. A good deed deserves another, but a bad one doesn't.
Not to be off topic, but a bad deed technically deserves a bad deed, right Anyway, I might have some games for you in a while to review, or can you click my name and download one with my new scrolling method and comment on that?
CFCRubiks wrote:
Not to be off topic, but a bad deed technically deserves a bad deed, right
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
archmage wrote:
CFCRubiks wrote:
Not to be off topic, but a bad deed technically deserves a bad deed, right
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
??? No, technically, wouldnt that give us more eyes????
CFCRubiks wrote:
archmage wrote:
CFCRubiks wrote:
Not to be off topic, but a bad deed technically deserves a bad deed, right
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
??? No, technically, wouldnt that give us more eyes????
um... i think he means that if u take a away an eye after losing one, then the whole world would be blind... lol, no 1 is giving eyes away...
common.... ne1 else wanna do this?
check out my gallery to see my reviews, if u need an example of my review
Last edited by siddthesquid (2008-05-31 12:17:53)
siddthesquid wrote:
CFCRubiks wrote:
archmage wrote:
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.??? No, technically, wouldnt that give us more eyes????
um... i think he means that if u take a away an eye after losing one, then the whole world would be blind... lol, no 1 is giving eyes away...
I always wondered what that saying meant. Then I got an answer, but then I forgot. I think it means that if you see something for what it is, you are... blind. Mentally blind. So if you see a camera for a camera, then you're mentally blind. But if you see a camera for a unique picture taker with photographic qualities, then you're not.
coolstuff wrote:
siddthesquid wrote:
CFCRubiks wrote:
??? No, technically, wouldnt that give us more eyes????![]()
um... i think he means that if u take a away an eye after losing one, then the whole world would be blind... lol, no 1 is giving eyes away...
I always wondered what that saying meant. Then I got an answer, but then I forgot. I think it means that if you see something for what it is, you are... blind. Mentally blind. So if you see a camera for a camera, then you're mentally blind. But if you see a camera for a unique picture taker with photographic qualities, then you're not.
i see wut u mean, but i think archmage meant it in a more violent direction. If you make someone lose an eye cuz they lost ur eye, then there will be no eyes, which means you cant see nething, which means the world is blind
ok this is stupid....