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I'm not to sure. If you look at it from one point of view they are totally great, but is there more to them the meets the eye.
Well from past experience they all have short tempers (not very good) and do they flag the right projects?
Say you made a 'shoot 'em up' game, someone such as ekekcole, craftgirl or maki comes up and says 'This is an un-suitable project, delete it at once!'.
However, your game is totally fine apart from red coloured 'blood' in it. No swearing, no hating, no explict scenes. Nothing but a little red colour!
You think your game is fine and you don't delete it. The 'Scratch Agents' go to their gallery and talk about you behind your back for a bit, then the all flag it at once. Unfair! Now he's the thing once a project is flagged by so many people, the Scratch team might think that you aren't very nice, and ban you!
You have just been banned/muted/or at worst IP banned. All because of blood. Not great.
Now they also keep 'an eye on' users with user names which include blood,fangs ect.
You are under 24/7 watch from average kids. They could be younger or older than you.
So are you listening? Do you think 'Scratch Agents' are good or bad?
Think about it!
I do think it is unfair if a bunch of people team up to flag another person's project. It is the responsibility of the entire scratch community to remove inappropriate content. If you think a user is being abusive to you, you can flag their comments or projects or contact the scratch team.
Exactly, it is just like being bullied. The whole gang, well gangs up on you. Same with the 'Scratch Agents'.
Well I totally forgot. If you say something then it must be right. Because you are Maki, they greatest person ever!
This started out as an interesting discussion of the difference between community enforced standards of decency and mob rule. But now it has degenerated to simple name calling which doesn't help either of your positions.
Yes. Stop Arguing, Let's keep this as a genuine discussion. Archmage, I disagree with you, Storngly. Even the way you've typed 'How a bunch of people have the right to team up and flag comments' sounds Utterly wrong. Flagging is based on one's interpretation of 'violent'. What may be violent to one, may not be violent to someone else. I think Scratch Agents is a good idea, honest, but I think It should be handled by mature people, And not young kids who get easily offended by alittle bit of 'blood' that was made from red paint in a software program, or by having the name "gun" in a title, and so on...
The Scratch Agents want to feel powerful, Like they're in control of what projects stay and go, But that's human nature.... Everyone likes to be in control of something, It makes them feel important...Strong... Going on someone's project and leaving the following comment "Inappropriate, DELETE AT ONCE" and Expecting the person to do so Makes them feel as though they run things, and they want the community to know that. Those type of people shouldn't run a Team Such as "Scratch Agents." If any scratch Agent were to deny this, make it a legitament Debate, and don't just respond by saying, "no we're not". I feel as though The "Scratch Agents" Are abusing power they've never had, and taking asvantage of the flag system. If a project is 'offensive', try to talk to the creator and both the "Scratch Agents" and him/her can work out an alternate Project, or an edited one.
Last edited by The_Sorcerer (2008-05-30 10:20:48)
If your project gets "flagged to death", ask the admins will look at it, and they may well restore it.
I am quite sure that if they find a large number of projects that are absolutely fine, but have all been flagged by the same group of people, they will have words with those people, and if words are not enough, I'm sure they will ban those people.
The_Sorcerer wrote:
Yes. Stop Arguing, Let's keep this as a genuine discussion. Archmage, I disagree with you, Storngly. Even the way you've typed 'How a bunch of people have the right to team up and flag comments' sounds Utterly wrong. Flagging is based on one's interpretation of 'violent'. What may be violent to one, may not be violent to someone else. I think Scratch Agents is a good idea, honest, but I think It should be handled by mature people, And not young kids who get easily offended by alittle bit of 'blood' that was made from red paint in a software program, or by having the name "gun" in a title, and so on...
The Scratch Agents want to feel powerful, Like they're in control of what projects stay and go, But that's human nature.... Everyone likes to be in control of something, It makes them feel important...Strong... Going on someone's project and leaving the following comment "Inappropriate, DELETE AT ONCE" and Expecting the person to do so Makes them feel as though they run things, and they want the community to know that. Those type of people shouldn't run a Team Such as "Scratch Agents." If any scratch Agent were to deny this, make it a legitament Debate, and don't just respond by saying, "no we're not". I feel as though The "Scratch Agents" Are abusing power they've never had, and taking asvantage of the flag system. If a project is 'offensive', try to talk to the creator and both the "Scratch Agents" and him/her can work out an alternate Project, or an edited one.
My point was that it is the responsibility on all the users on scratch to flag inappropriate content. Groups such as this one seem unnecessary.
The_Sorcerer wrote:
I think Scratch Agents is a good idea, honest, but I think It should be handled by mature people
I agree with that. Many of them are mature, but they flag to easily, without actually thinking about it.
DaRossi wrote:
Wow, now your talking gibberish. Just what I should expect from a 'Scatch Agent'.
But being rude to them makes you even worse. At least they have good intentions.
I don't like scratch agents, they are like bullies themselves thinking OK project are incredibly violent and flagging them. they should REALLY THINK about how the person who's project is being flagged feels. It should be stopped at once. Maybe us people who don't like it should all flag scratch agents projects BUT WE WON'T DO THAT BECAUSE IT ISN'T NICE (TO ANY SCRATCH AGENTS). Its like this internet game called 'club penguin' which I quit because it was too goody-goody. Scratch agents should be stopped right NOW.
Look at the little dudes dance!!!
I do not think the Scratch Agents will lead to any good. The flagging system is based on the opinions of multiple people, not seperate individuals, or, in this case, an organisation. An organisation is basicly one person with mutiple accounts. They must work together and share one opinion to stay organised. That's why if someone suddenly says "This project should be deleted!", most of the lot will agree, because most of them are kids for which it is hard to stay neutral, and usually there are just more "reasons" to agree than to disagree. Their leader is the "main account", who controls all the other "fake accounts". They obey him, their opinions are based on his. If a person were to decide on his own whether a project was inappropriate or not, he wouldn't think of other peoples' opinions so much. He isn't a part of organisation, he doesn't depend on anybody, nobody would blame him for his decisions.
So in reality these so called "Scratch Agents" is just a group of kids who attack projects they want deleted. Nobody except an administrator has the right to delete projects. So, they found a way to become administrators. They just want to feel that they have power over somebody. That's their real intention. "Bad" projects are just the victims.
The real "Scratch Agents" are the Scratch Team. The Scratch Team consists of mature, neutral people who know how much violence a project is allowed to contain.
well hello!!!!!!! im a scratch agent... if this is what they say then well i'll have to talk to them. mabye they'll understand that we need an appropriate system.
there are times that the scratchagents can be a bit strict, but there was a project that had 2 topless girls and thankfully only 1 scratchmember saw it before could be seen, by little kids, they teamed up together and got rid of the project, and because pornmaster is not heard or seen anymore he was probably ip banned
project is here, dont get too excited, it is removed
Last edited by Freestylin_Monkey (2008-05-30 13:29:23)
maki wrote:
well, darossi and i have decided to make a non-corrupt scratch agents, especially after what ekekcole did.
what did he do?
i guess im kind of netural toward scratch agents. i mean, they are for a good cause, but if they flag projects that shouldn't be flagged...
MyRedNeptune wrote:
I do not think the Scratch Agents will lead to any good. The flagging system is based on the opinions of multiple people, not seperate individuals, or, in this case, an organisation. An organisation is basicly one person with mutiple accounts. They must work together and share one opinion to stay organised. That's why if someone suddenly says "This project should be deleted!", most of the lot will agree, because most of them are kids for which it is hard to stay neutral, and usually there are just more "reasons" to agree than to disagree. Their leader is the "main account", who controls all the other "fake accounts". They obey him, their opinions are based on his. If a person were to decide on his own whether a project was inappropriate or not, he wouldn't think of other peoples' opinions so much. He isn't a part of organisation, he doesn't depend on anybody, nobody would blame him for his decisions.
So in reality these so called "Scratch Agents" is just a group of kids who attack projects they want deleted. Nobody except an administrator has the right to delete projects. So, they found a way to become administrators. They just want to feel that they have power over somebody. That's their real intention. "Bad" projects are just the victims.
The real "Scratch Agents" are the Scratch Team. The Scratch Team consists of mature, neutral people who know how much violence a project is allowed to contain.
Exactly! The reason why flagging was made for three people to flag a project for it to be banned is to have opinions of multiple people. If the leader (or any other person who joined) adds one to the gallery a bunch of people will flag it without even seeing if its inappropriate or not. In most cases this probably works but this needs to happen with all cases. For instance the person who started it said to flag all projects in the gallery with all the "inappropriate projects". He should tell them to have a look if the project is inappropriate first.
its only 3 flags to be banned? i thought it would be more...
I think 5 flags automatically bans a project. If a project recieves less flags the scratch team checks the project and if it is inaproiate they can ban it with only one flag
I think that although the scratch agents thing was made with good intensions, it doesn't really do much good. Instead of haveing an Agnecy to do it, why not everyone does it themselves?
I quit Scratch Agents because it WAS CORRUPT. Honestly. They have a gallery that they post "innapropriate" projects on for the whole team to flag them. Yes, maybe a few projects may be unsuitable, but those projects I had never heard of until they were posted on that gallery. The "agents" are looking for trouble. Oh, did you hear? maki made a project that said "ATTENTION EVERY ONE ESPECIALLY HOBBS1101!!!!!!"? Well he changed the title, but still. I think the Scratch Agents should be flagged.
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