Basicly, for some project, I am making a new world. An entire new ecosystem with new animals and an entire food chain. NO MORE SUGGESTIONS FOR CREATURES. JUST LEVELS
Fill this out for your thingy:
Name (Be creative):
Diet (Say if its herbivore, carnivore, ect and then go to specifics):
Habitat (Forest, Tundra, Jungle, Savanah, Desert ect):
Appearence (Post a pic, or if you have none just describe it):
What is it (A plant, mammal, insect, moss ect):
Info (Any important info):
Put NA for not avaliable.
Name: Spoonbug
Diet: Herbivore, eats moss and plankton at the surface if the swamp.
Habitat: Swamp
What is it: Insect
Info: Floats near the swamp to scoop up some plants.
Name: Numvin
Habitat: Swamp
What is it: Kelp
Info: Is eaten by many fish. Gets its nutrients from the big leaf it uses to float, and it goes down to the roots to keep them fresh and green even though it is in muddy, murky, water.
Name: Forgkum
Diet: Herbivore, eats grasses in the savvanah.
Habitat: Savannah
What is it: Mammal
Info: Although it is not dangerous, it has a very frightening appearence. It is hunted by some tribes, but every part is used. It uses its teeth that stick out to smash up its plants, into paste, so it can swallow it without chewing it because it has no teeth in the back.
Name: Devine
Diet: Carnivore, eats many farm animals like Ekke and Shiihau.
Habitat: Forest, prarie
What is it: Mammal
Info: Is a pest to farmers. Hides in forests and at night comes out to the prarie to hunt. Is often mistaken for werewolves, and there is many myths about it. When rabid, can be incredibly dangerous.
Name: Pepberry
Habitat: Jungle
What is it: Fruit
Info: So spicy that if you eat too much you lose your sense of taste. The only way to eat it safely is to dry them, which lowers the spice. Every food is garnashed with these berries dried, in a certain tribe.
Name: Sthilia
Diet: Carnivore, eats small animals on the shore.
Habitat: Swamp
What is it: Reptile
Info: Mostly in water, but can drag itself on land with its front two legs. Is quick in water, but slow on land. Was thought to be extinct.
Name: Tendish
Diet: Herbivore, eats Corame.
Habitat: Reef
What is it: Fish
Info: Is kept as pets often. Is in big schools, and lives in caves made of Corame, which it eats too.
Name: Tarnayle
Diet: Herbivore, eats small plankton and shrimp-like things.
Habitat: Ocean, can be in arctic waters or tropical waters.
What is it: Mammal
Info: Is hunted by natives. Is also very slow but graceful, and is the biggest animal. It uses its four flaps to propel itself faster.
Name: Glowbulb
Habitat: Jungle
What is it: Fungus
Info: Is imported to villages to cook. Is very beatiful and cand light up jungles at night, due to a luminous chemical in its roots.
Name: Boon
Diet: Omnivore, eats insects like parapiphs, dartbugs, hakrits, and spoonbugs and plants like nectarbowls, honey apples, trioseeds, and pepberries.
Habitat: Jungle, Savanah
What is it: Mammal
Info: Is great at climbing. Eats almost anything, and is VERY noisy.
Name: Hornding
Diet: Herbivore, eats shrubs and grasses in the savanah.
Habitat: Savanah, Desert, Jungle
What is it: Mammal
Info: Has tough skin. Will charge when angry, but normally is peaceful. Its pointed down horns are for ripping through trees if angered, and its upwards spikes on forehead and back are for attacking.
Name: Babear
Diet: Omnivore, eats small animals and insects. Will also eat plants like honey apples, trioseeds, and frosberries.
Habitat: Forest, can live in the arctic too.
What is it: Mammal
Info: Can swim, climb, run fast, and fight, so its a pretty decent predator. Is endangered for overhunting though, for natives wanted its cushy hide for clothing.
Name: Tlofin
Diet: Carnivore, eats other small fish in the deep.
Appearence: A long eel with tentacles. It has glowing spots and its fangs glow when angry.
What is it: Fish
Info: Lights up its way with its little glowing spots. This is nesecary for it lives very very deep. Can also produce a nasty shock through its fangs, due to and electric-neon gland near its cheeks that sends a jolt through tubes in its fangs when threatened.
Name: Corame
Habitat: Reef
What is it: Coral
Info: Many animals live in these plants. Can come in basicly any color, and is as hard as rock. It gets its energy from small phytoplanktons.
Name: Hakrit
Diet: Carnivore, eats blood of animals it latches onto
Habitat: Jungle
What is it: Insect
Info: Could be deadly if had a diesease. Carries its diseases in a pouch in the flesh in its claws which is shot outhrough the points into the body of its prey. Also sucks blood, for food, and is known to latch on and never let go.
Name: Honey Apple
Habitat: Almost Everywhere except arctic and marine.
What is it: Fruit
Info: Sickly Sweet. Is like a combo of honey, apple, pineaple, sugar, peach, and pear.
Name: Gilaf
Habitat: Jungle
What is it: Tree
Info: The leaf is sacred to some tribal religion, although it is eaten by many animals. Those animals are considered demons and should be killed. The tribe says, if one of the leaves is plucked, for it only has 2, only half of the tree's soul remains.
Name: Frosberry
Habitat: Arctic
What is it: Berry
Info: If you eat too many berries, your tongue will become numb. Is one of the only plants in the arctic. The leaves are always covered with frost so it looks silver-green.
Name: Puffwheat
Habitat: Prarie
What is it: Wheat
Info: If cooked will, like popcorn, puff up into a larger version of itself. Tastes like rice. Is a common, cheap, farm vegtable. Is eaten by many farm animals like Ekke and Shiihau.
Name: Crisple Tree
Habitat: Forest
What is it: Tree
Info: The bark is expensive and rare. Since it never has leaves, it does photosynthesis by getting the sun through its mystical bark.
Name: Ekke
Diet: Herbivore, eats Puffwheat from the praries.
Habitat: Prarie, Forest
What is it: Mammal
Info: Is farmed for milk, fur and meat. Horns casn be used for instruments like pipe-reeds in many tribal ceromonies.
Name: Ghoti
Diet: Herbivore, eats Numvin that floats to the surface of the lake.
Habitat: Lake
What is it: Fish
Info: Tastes really good. Can camoflauge very well. Uses Numvin for shade and food.
Name: Dartbug
Diet: Carnivore, eats blood and energy of other animals.
Habitat: Everywhere except marine and tundra.
What is it: Insect
Info: Makes big painful bumps when it bites you. Considered a pest.
Name: Shiihau
Diet: Herbivore, grazes in wide feilds. Loves puffwheat.
Habitat: Prarie, Forest
What is it: Mammal
Info: Can puff out its fur to make it look bigger and more like a ball. It is farmed for milk, (but Ekke milk is more common), and fur. Is almost always either chased away or killed by Devines.
Name: Nectarbowl
Habitat: Jungle
What is it: Flower
Info: Its leaves are shaped like bowls, and a sweet nectar is produced inside. Its sap is used as a medicine.
Name: Emair
Diet: Herbivore, eats Gilaf Leaves and often drinks the sap from a Nectarbowl.
Habitat: Jungle, Savannah, Desert
What is it: Mammal
Info: Is often hunted, for it eats Gilaf which is sacred, so some religions say they deserve to die. Has a strange pony tail.
Name: Parapiph
Diet: Herbivore, eats petals on flowers. Likes Nectarbowl Petals and Sap.
Habitat: Jungle
What is it: Insect
Info: Blows air into its parachute to float up. If the fragile parachute is ripped, the bug is doomed and cannot survive.
Name: Double-Shelled Crab
Diet: Carnivore, eats small fish that swim by like Tendish.
Habitat: Sea floor and reefs.
What is it: Crustacean
Info: Will close its shells to look like a rock and then something swims by and it eats it. Has 2 muscles only for pushing and pulling the shells open and closed.
Name: Trioseed
Habitat: Forest
What is it: Fruit
Info: Break through its hard shell and inside is very juicy, sour, fruit. Also, it is three fruits connected by a stem!
Name: Fazror
Diet: Things that walk by it.
Habitat: Jungle
What is it: Weed
Info: Lies its head on the ground, and bristly green hair makes it look like grass. When something walks near, it eats it. Although it is a plant, it does eat and swallow food.
Name: Teppa
Habitat: Forest
What is it: Fruit
Info: Pretty spicy. Is often used in cooking.
Name: Buoygator
Diet: Carnivore, eats small swampside mammals, and insects.
Habitat: Swamp
What is it: Reptile
Info: It can inflate its pouch with air when ever it wants to float to the surface, due to a helium gland next to its stomach that squirts helium through a tube into the balloon-like pouch.
Name: Poisonous Yubertoob
Habitat: Marine
What is it: Fish
Info: Has no bones. Also only has 2 organs: A brain and a poison gland. Can squirt poison ink through its tube. It actually eats nothing though.
Name: Beauflow
Habitat: Everywhere
Appearence: A beautiful 3 petaled flower.
What is it: Flower
Info: Smells lovely.
Name: Shrillink
Diet: Herbivore. Eats TINY microscopic planton.
Habitat: Marine- Arctic and Tropical waters
What is it: Crustacean
Info: Like a triangular shrimp, these tiny things swim around in large groups. Mainly eaten by Tarnayles.
Name: Maowk
Diet: Carnivore. Eats fish like Ghoti and some small animals, but tends to drink Ekke milk.
Habitat: Grasslands
What is it: Mammal
Info: A small feline. Often kept as a pet, for it is adored by children. Goes crazy for milk.
Name: Bulbelelk
Habitat: Swampp
What is it: Kelp
Info: A plant with a bubble on top that helps it float, with long strands of vines hanging underneath.
Name: Fluffit
Diet: Omnivore, will eat plants and small animals.
Habitat: Forest
What is it: Bird
Info: Not capable of true flight, this bird tends to "hop" by flapping its wings and jumping to move. Not very bright. Travels in flocks and migrates yearly. Made by Kileymeister.
Name: Scarpin
Diet: Carnivore, eats anything it thinks it can take down. Is known to be a scavenger as well.
Habitat: Prairie, Mountains
What is it: Reptile
Info: This animal has rows of teeth, and two sharp fangs in its upper jaw with venom to take down its prey. The fangs are made of valuable ivory. Made by Kileymeister.
Name: Pricklevine
Diet: Nutrients from the plant it attaches to.
Habitat: Swamp
What is it: Plant
Info: This vine wraps itself around trees or other large plants, and siphons the nutrients from it. The thorns are used to attach to the host plant and as defense. The thorns contain toxins which act as a powerful sedative, and will cause sleep in several hours. Made by Kileymeister.
Name: Nightstalker
Diet: Carnivore. It eats large mammals, but will ocasionally go for smaller animals, especially ones in trees.
Habitat: Jungle
What is it: Mammal.
Info: This steatlhy, fast animal, normally darts across the ground, but also has the ability to climb in trees. It blends in with its environment very well, and it's soft, padded feet help it keep it as noiseless as possible. The animal makes a loud screech-howl when it either kills an animal, or is angry and hungry for food. It also makes a more of a moaning version of that sound when lonely or sad. But usually, it's not, so it's quite rare. It doesn't have many natural enemies, except for the Baklam, a rhinosaurous-like creature that is too strong for the Nightstalker to kill. The Nightstalker does go for the Baklam's young, which is why they're enemies though. Also, swarms of pack-like animals (like hyenas) could eventually overpower a Nightstalker, but only if it's weak, and the animal swarms are many. When in good health, the Nightstalker can almost always evade capture. Made by Ludachris
Name: Shreaker
Diet: Carnivore. It eats dead animals, or eats up to dog or baby horse sized ones.
Habitat: Air. It lives in extremely tall, fat trees. Squirrel-like creatures occasionally steal their eggs. Are they just plain stupid or brave to feed the family? Nobody knows, because it is extremely dangerous, especially since the birds' bodies are like the size of a large tiger (body alone), while the squirrels are the size of a rabbit.
Type: Bird
Info: This animal is known for its infamous shreak noise it makes when attacking, claiming a kill or dead animal, or when sad. It is a very wild animal, with an interesting personality. It's normal personality would be a mix of wild anger (when attacking), or a friendly, caring personality (when not). The abnormal ones would be all of one or the other, except in extreme situations. Natives (if there are any) kill these mammoth-of-a-beasts for rituals, trade, and food. Their large feathers, which are used for decorating or dressing, are good for trading too. Their crest is also sometimes 'harvested' for trade because it contains a certain material or mineral that is durable and waterproof; just what traders want. Oh and it's enemies are the squirrelish creatures, and Nightstalkers, etc. (when the bird is eating a meal, it could be attacked). They can live to 60 years old, but this is usually not the case, as most die at 20 due to flying accidents. Yes, flying accidents. Their bodies are so big, that when flying through the forests, they can get caught in the branches, and then a native or other animal can finish them off. Thought not defenseless, they are pretty much helpless at that point. Made by Ludachris
Name: Teradora
Diet: Carnivore. It eats fast moving prey in the Plains. Prey is usually dog to horse sized.
Habitat: Tall, grassy Plains.
What is it: Reptile
Info: This animal overall behavior is unlike any other animal; Normally, it's tiger-like, wanting to stalk and pounce on prey from behind, working alone; sometimes even tamable. But during the fall and winter of it's 10th year of age, it acts like an elephant, where it's adrenaline skyrockets and it becomes an untamable savage beast. Well, almost untamable. If you did happen to tame it (which is near impossible. you might want to use some special herb or whatev to help. idk.) during this time of year, then it would never be savage again, though it would stand by your side to defend and attack with you. Kinda like dragons. On the other hand, if this animal is not tamed during this time, or re-tamed, it becomes completely untamable for the rest of its 30 years left of life: a
Last edited by wiimaster (2010-06-13 15:27:20)
Credit where credit is due?
Name: Fubble
Diet: Herbivore, eats leaves and herbs.
Habitat: Forest
Appearance: A very small red creature with a green underside.
What is it: Reptile
Info: This incredibly small creature is commonly mistaken for an insect. They live in small colonies.
Name: Fluffit
Diet: Omnivore, will eat plants and small animals.
Habitat: Forest
Appearance: Round and feathery, with short wings and legs up to 5 feet. Light blue feathers.
What is it: Bird
Info: Not capable of true flight, this bird tends to "hop" by flapping its wings and jumping to move. Not very bright. Travels in flocks and migrates yearly.
Name: Pricklevine
Diet: Nutrients from the plant it attaches to.
Habitat: Swamp
Appearance: A long green vine with sharp little needle-like thorns growing over it.
What is it: Plant
Info: This vine wraps itself around trees or other large plants, and siphons the nutrients from it. The thorns are used to attach to the host plant and as defense. The thorns contain toxins which act as a powerful sedative, and will cause sleep in several hours.
Last edited by Kileymeister (2010-05-04 19:44:14)
Name (Be creative): Pisemen
Diet (Say if its herbivore, carnivore, ect and then go to specifics): N/A
Habitat (Forest, Tundra, Jungle, Savanah, Desert ect): Marine, Forest
Appearence (Post a pic, or if you have none just describe it):
What is it (A plant, mammal, insect, moss ect): Plant
Info (Any important info): Name comes from the two Latin words "piscis" (fish) and "semen" (seed) (okay that wasn't important but I just felt like pointing that out xD), most commonly found as an herb that helps young fish grow, but can also be eaten by many mammals of the forest.
andresmh wrote:
This should go to
Since it is material for a probably belongs in Project Ideas.
Oh, so my report did get heard?
Name (Be creative): Carnibot
Diet (Say if its herbivore, carnivore, ect and then go to specifics): Carnivore
Habitat (Forest, Tundra, Jungle, Savanah, Desert ect): Underwater, salt water and fresh water varieties.
Appearence (Post a pic, or if you have none just describe it): (red thingy)
What is it (A plant, mammal, insect, moss ect): Sort of sea-urchin thingy that swims...
Info (Any important info):
Sort of a creature with no fins or anything, but able to swim somehow. They have 4 mouths on each side of their square-ish body. Born small, and often end up dying, but have no limit to how much they can grow.
I have like 500 doodles on my math homework from last year. If I found and named them all I would have an alien zoo
Lord-Sprites wrote:
I have like 500 doodles on my math homework from last year. If I found and named them all I would have an alien zoo
Same here.
Name: Kago
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Jungle/Forest
Appearence: A white furred mammal with sharp claws and a long, almost serpentine body. It's face is tiger-like.
What is it: Mammal.
Info: This animal mainly uses speed and stealth when hunting. It may not blend in with its environment well, but it uses shadow and stealthy motions to remain invisible. Its sleek body is adapted to move easily through rough terrain like thick trees or other obstacles. It can climb trees and tends to rest in them. Is highly dangerous.
Last edited by Kileymeister (2010-05-05 20:16:13)
Kileymeister wrote:
Name: Kago
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Jungle/Forest
Appearence: A white furred mammal with sharp claws and a long, almost serpentine body. It's face is tiger-like.
What is it: Mammal.
Info: This animal mainly uses speed and stealth when hunting. It may not blend in with its environment well, but it uses shadow and stealthy motions to remain invisible. Its sleek body is adapted to move easily through rough terrain like thick trees or other obstacles. It can climb trees and tends to rest in them. Is highly dangerous.
Kileymeister wrote:
Name: Fluffit
Diet: Omnivore, will eat plants and small animals.
Habitat: Forest
Appearance: Round and feathery, with short wings and legs up to 5 feet. Light blue feathers.
What is it: Bird
Info: Not capable of true flight, this bird tends to "hop" by flapping its wings and jumping to move. Not very bright. Travels in flocks and migrates yearly.
Lol that's kinda like this:
a phorusrhacidae... er.. i mean.. a terror bird :3
Last edited by Ludichris1 (2010-05-05 21:52:16)
Name (Be creative): Specklebug
Diet (Say if its herbivore, carnivore, ect and then go to specifics): Omnivore. It tends to eat young snakes and lizards, but if it cannot find its usual prey, it will eat just about anything.
Habitat (Forest, Tundra, Jungle, Savanah, Desert ect): Usually found in the desert, but is capable of moving anywhere its prey is.
Appearence (Post a pic, or if you have none just describe it): The Specklebug is a light tan colored bug with brownish-black speckles all over its oval shaped body. It can grow to about 5 inches, and its coloring turns from tan to white when it is winter.
What is it (A plant, mammal, insect, moss ect): An insect
Info (Any important info): It is an endangered species.
Name: Nightstalker
Diet: Carnivore. It eats large mammals, but will ocasionally go for smaller animals, especially ones in trees.
Habitat: Jungle
Appearence: A black, wolf-lie creature, with a hawk like head. It has red frills, and lime, bioluminescent eyes. It has four sharp claws on each foot, and a long, slender but agile tail that has small spikes on it.
What is it: Mammal.
Info: This steatlhy, fast animal, normally darts across the ground, but also has the ability to climb in trees. It blends in with its environment very well, and it's soft, padded feet help it keep it as noiseless as possible. The animal makes a loud screech-howl when it either kills an animal, or is angry and hungry for food. It also makes a more of a moaning version of that sound when lonely or sad. But usually, it's not, so it's quite rare. It doesn't have many natural enemies, except for the Baklam, a rhinosaurous-like creature that is too strong for the Nightstalker to kill. The Nightstalker does go for the Baklam's young, which is why they're enemies though. Also, swarms of pack-like animals (like hyenas) could eventually overpower a Nightstalker, but only if it's weak, and the animal swarms are many. When in good health, the Nightstalker can almost always evade capture.
you can change the name if you want.
Name: Scarpin
Diet: Carnivore, eats anything it thinks it can take down. Is known to be a scavenger as well.
Habitat: Prairie, Mountains
Appearance: Spherical dark green body, with four legs. It stands at about 4 feet tall and five feet wide, with a long, dragging tail about 4 feet long.
What is it: Reptile
Info: This animal has rows of teeth, and two sharp fangs in its upper jaw with venom to take down its prey. The fangs are made of valuable ivory.
Name: Teradora
Diet: Carnivore. It eats fast moving prey in the Plains. Prey is usually dog to horse sized.
Habitat: Tall, grassy Plains.
Appearance: It has a body like a tiger, yet a face like a reptile. An evil reptile. A wide but flat mouth is covered in dozens of tiny teeth, perfect for shredding. there are also two sabre-teeth in the top of its mouth. It has deep, brown, indents on the side of its body (where its ribs would be), and a short, fat tail. Its legs are different than normal: three claws on each of its 6 feet; One claw being very big. The creature has a short, flat nose, but it's muzzle is short, but not flat. Its face is somewhat the shape of a watermelon. It has horny bumps on its neck as well, and two yellow eyes on the sides of its head. It also has a spiny wave of yellow and brown patterned skin on its back (its like flat ans standing up), so taht it looks like grass.
What is it: Reptile
Info: This animal overall behavior is unlike any other animal; Normally, it's tiger-like, wanting to stalk and pounce on prey from behind, working alone; sometimes even tamable. But during the fall and winter of it's 10th year of age, it acts like an elephant, where it's adrenaline skyrockets and it becomes an untamable savage beast. Well, almost untamable. If you did happen to tame it (which is near impossible. you might want to use some special herb or whatev to help. idk.) during this time of year, then it would never be savage again, though it would stand by your side to defend and attack with you. Kinda like dragons. On the other hand, if this animal is not tamed during this time, or re-tamed, it becomes completely untamable for the rest of its 30 years left of life: a mindless monster, feared by all.
hope you like
Last edited by Ludichris1 (2010-05-07 08:41:45)
Name: Shreaker
Diet: Carnivore. It eats dead animals, or eats up to dog or baby horse sized ones.
Habitat: Air. It lives in extremely tall, fat trees. Squirrel-like creatures occasionally steal their eggs. Are they just plain stupid or brave to feed the family? Nobody knows, because it is extremely dangerous, especially since the birds' bodies are like the size of a large tiger (body alone), while the squirrels are the size of a rabbit.
Type: Bird
Apperance: It has beautiful red, yellow, blue, purple, and green patters on its wings. The females have green and purple, and blue, while the males have red, yellow, blue. The patterns are usually made up of some sort of connection of lines. The feathers are very big, but with smaller featehrs attached to them for better flying. Its wings are the shape of conventional airplane wings, except bent at a diagonal halfway across. The animal itself is a light shade of red, (almost pink, but not quite; more saturated). It has blue, bioluminescent eyes. They seem scary, but are quite friendly if you ever were to be friends (tamed it) with one; which is hard for two reasons: getting to their nests, and second, getting on one. The bird also has a yellow and red crest on it's head that looks like some Chinese rice box (kinda...).
Info: This animal is known for its infamous shreak noise it makes when attacking, claiming a kill or dead animal, or when sad. It is a very wild animal, with an interesting personality. It's normal personality would be a mix of wild anger (when attacking), or a friendly, caring personality (when not). The abnormal ones would be all of one or the other, except in extreme situations. Natives (if there are any) kill these mammoth-of-a-beasts for rituals, trade, and food. Their large feathers, which are used for decorating or dressing, are good for trading too. Their crest is also sometimes 'harvested' for trade because it contains a certain material or mineral that is durable and waterproof; just what traders want. Oh and it's enemies are the squirrelish creatures, and Nightstalkers, etc. (when the bird is eating a meal, it could be attacked). They can live to 60 years old, but this is usually not the case, as most die at 20 due to flying accidents. Yes, flying accidents. Their bodies are so big, that when flying through the forests, they can get caught in the branches, and then a native or other animal can finish them off. Thought not defenseless, they are pretty much helpless at that point
lol this is fun . I think I shouldn't write too much though I think tis too much for you >.< xD
Last edited by Ludichris1 (2010-05-07 13:20:44)
Thanks for the suggestions! Won't need any more now. But you can suggest levels! Just fill this in:
Place Name: Be creative
Biomes: Desert, Forest, Marine ECT
Fauna: Animals
Flora: Plants
Extra Info: Other
Last edited by wiimaster (2010-05-08 07:36:45)
wiimaster wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions! Won't need any more now. But you can suggest levels! Just fill this in:
Place Name: Be creative
Biomes: Desert, Forest, Marine ECT
Fauna: Animals
Flora: Plants
lol I can't resist.
btw, change the Shrieker to Jungle, instead of Forest; and change the "What is it: Bird" to "What is it: Dinosaur bird". Thanks!
OH! You might want to add "Extra Info:" on there. Like, is there anything special that has happened, or happens, or some special feature about it?
Well according to the animals and plants you have on that list (took me a while to put it on a color-coded table, lol), here are mine:
Place Name: Rosslin Swamp
Biomes: Swamp, Forest, Lakes
Fauna: Spoonbug, Ghoti, Dartbug, Beuflow, Shiihau, Devine,
Flora: Numvin, Honey Apple, Pricklevine, Crisple Tree, Trioseed
Extra Info: This swamp is named after Rosslin, the man who discovered it, and the swamp is famous for its annoying muddyness, but it's also famous for it's rich fruit abundance. Dartbugs and the ocassional Devine can be a pain around the forest area. Ghoti are also sometimes fished in the lakes.
Place Name: Bregdan Beach[es]
Biomes: Marine, Praire
Fauna: Shiihau, Devine, Fluffit, Tendish, Poisonous Yubertoob
Flora: Honey Apple, Beuflow, Puffwheat, Corame
Extra Info: This place is known for its classic Devin vs. Shiihau chases along the praire and seashore. It is also a quite peaceful looking place, especially the sunsets and soothing grass, despite the Shiihaus' untimely demises by the Devines. There are also some Fluffits here.
Place Name: Jaravi Jungle (or maybe Jarvi Jungle)
Biomes: Jungle, Lake
Fauna: Ghoti, Dartbug, Emair, Ekke (the ekke cuz the nightstalker and shrieker need more prey )Nightstalker, Shrieker
Flora: Honey Apple, Pepberry, Gilaf, Nectarbowl
Extra Info: This jungle is famous for its diverse and beautiful flora, including a large forest, and some tall, giant trees. Wind conditions can be harsh at times. It is also famous for the Nightstalker and Shrieker.
Place Name: Geezeroff [Scrubland]
Biomes: Praire, Desert
Fauna: Fluffit, Teradora
Flora: Beuflow, Puffwheat
Extra Info: This open praire (and desert) is home to flocks of Fluffit. The Teradora is it's enemy. The Teradora is like a lion, where it hides in grass, and then strikes a herd of animals, eventually taking down one; sometimes hunting in groups. This place is also famous for its many thunderstorms, of which most of the time there is no cover.
Place Name: Baishoe Bay
Biomes: Marine
Fauna: Tendish, Poisonous Yubertoob, Double-Shelled Crab
Flora: Corame
Extra Info: This place teams with flora and fauna, including strange mollusks, squid, and prehistoric fish, among others. It is visited often by tourists (if there are any), and Tendish are fished here as well.
Place Name: Korretis [Ocean]
Biomes: Arctic, Marine
Fauna: Double-Shelled Crab,
Flora: Frosberry
Extra Info: This dark, and silent place is unlike any other. On top, the Frosberrys struggle to survive against the harsh winters, while underneath thick pack ice, there is a still, dark blue ocean. Nothing moving, nothing making noise. The only creatures here are a special plankton, and Double-Shelled Crabs, who are very silent. They live on the ocean's bottom.
Place Name: Placid Plains
Biomes: Forest, Praire
Fauna: Dartbug, Ekke, Shiihau, Scarpin
Flora: Honey Apple, Beuflow, Puffwheat, Crisple Tree, Teppa
Extra Info: This place is an Ekke/Shiihau paradise- well, almost. Sure it has wonderful food, and lovely weather, there is still the constant threat of Scarpin the local neighborhood bullies. They tend to go for Shiihau, and annoy the Ekke. The Ekke young are usually never harmed because the Ekke are so protective.
Place Name: Onkur Wastes
Biomes: Jungle, Swamp
Fauna: Spoonbug, Buoygatour, Dartbug, Ghoti, Poisonous Yubertoob, Parapiph, Nightstalker (lol can only eat gaters xD. dangerous though o.o)
Flora: Numvin, Gilaf, Pricklevine, Fazror
Extra Info: This moist jungle/swamp teams with life. Tall trees with spacious limbs dot the swamp, while normal trees cover the jungle. Spoonbugs tend to jump from the tall trees. Natives (if there are any) go here to catch Ghoti, of which there are many, but they still must watch out for Nightstalkers (though usually in the Jungle area), and watch their steps because of Poisonous Yubertoobs.
... XD
P.S. a different species of an animal, or variation of it would add more variety, if you wanted to for places that have the same animal; for example: blind, white ghoti -- fast(and shy), purple ghoti
Ludichris1 wrote:
wiimaster wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions! Won't need any more now. But you can suggest levels! Just fill this in:
Place Name: Be creative
Biomes: Desert, Forest, Marine ECT
Fauna: Animals
Flora: Plantslol I can't resist.
btw, change the Shrieker to Jungle, instead of Forest; and change the "What is it: Bird" to "What is it: Dinosaur bird". Thanks!![]()
OH! You might want to add "Extra Info:" on there. Like, is there anything special that has happened, or happens, or some special feature about it?
Well according to the animals and plants you have on that list (took me a while to put it on a color-coded table, lol), here are mine:
Place Name: Rosslin Swamp
Biomes: Swamp, Forest, Lakes
Fauna: Spoonbug, Ghoti, Dartbug, Beuflow, Shiihau, Devine,
Flora: Numvin, Honey Apple, Pricklevine, Crisple Tree, Trioseed
Extra Info: This swamp is named after Rosslin, the man who discovered it, and the swamp is famous for its annoying muddyness, but it's also famous for it's rich fruit abundance. Dartbugs and the ocassional Devine can be a pain around the forest area. Ghoti are also sometimes fished in the lakes.
Place Name: Bregdan Beach[es]
Biomes: Marine, Praire
Fauna: Shiihau, Devine, Fluffit, Tendish, Poisonous Yubertoob
Flora: Honey Apple, Beuflow, Puffwheat, Corame
Extra Info: This place is known for its classic Devin vs. Shiihau chases along the praire and seashore. It is also a quite peaceful looking place, especially the sunsets and soothing grass, despite the Shiihaus' untimely demises by the Devines. There are also some Fluffits here.
Place Name: Jaravi Jungle (or maybe Jarvi Jungle)
Biomes: Jungle, Lake
Fauna: Ghoti, Dartbug, Emair, Ekke (the ekke cuz the nightstalker and shrieker need more prey)Nightstalker, Shrieker
Flora: Honey Apple, Pepberry, Gilaf, Nectarbowl
Extra Info: This jungle is famous for its diverse and beautiful flora, including a large forest, and some tall, giant trees. Wind conditions can be harsh at times. It is also famous for the Nightstalker and Shrieker.
Place Name: Geezeroff [Scrubland]
Biomes: Praire, Desert
Fauna: Fluffit, Teradora
Flora: Beuflow, Puffwheat
Extra Info: This open praire (and desert) is home to flocks of Fluffit. The Teradora is it's enemy. The Teradora is like a lion, where it hides in grass, and then strikes a herd of animals, eventually taking down one; sometimes hunting in groups. This place is also famous for its many thunderstorms, of which most of the time there is no cover.
Place Name: Baishoe Bay
Biomes: Marine
Fauna: Tendish, Poisonous Yubertoob, Double-Shelled Crab
Flora: Corame
Extra Info: This place teams with flora and fauna, including strange mollusks, squid, and prehistoric fish, among others. It is visited often by tourists (if there are any), and Tendish are fished here as well.
Place Name: Korretis [Ocean]
Biomes: Arctic, Marine
Fauna: Double-Shelled Crab,
Flora: Frosberry
Extra Info: This dark, and silent place is unlike any other. On top, the Frosberrys struggle to survive against the harsh winters, while underneath thick pack ice, there is a still, dark blue ocean. Nothing moving, nothing making noise. The only creatures here are a special plankton, and Double-Shelled Crabs, who are very silent. They live on the ocean's bottom.
Place Name: Placid Plains
Biomes: Forest, Praire
Fauna: Dartbug, Ekke, Shiihau, Scarpin
Flora: Honey Apple, Beuflow, Puffwheat, Crisple Tree, Teppa
Extra Info: This place is an Ekke/Shiihau paradise- well, almost. Sure it has wonderful food, and lovely weather, there is still the constant threat of Scarpin the local neighborhood bullies. They tend to go for Shiihau, and annoy the Ekke. The Ekke young are usually never harmed because the Ekke are so protective.
Place Name: Onkur Wastes
Biomes: Jungle, Swamp
Fauna: Spoonbug, Buoygatour, Dartbug, Ghoti, Poisonous Yubertoob, Parapiph, Nightstalker (lol can only eat gaters xD. dangerous though o.o)
Flora: Numvin, Gilaf, Pricklevine, Fazror
Extra Info: This moist jungle/swamp teams with life. Tall trees with spacious limbs dot the swamp, while normal trees cover the jungle. Spoonbugs tend to jump from the tall trees. Natives (if there are any) go here to catch Ghoti, of which there are many, but they still must watch out for Nightstalkers (though usually in the Jungle area), and watch their steps because of Poisonous Yubertoobs.
... XD
P.S. a different species of an animal, or variation of it would add more variety, if you wanted to for places that have the same animal; for example: blind, white ghoti -- fast(and shy), purple ghoti
Wow those are AWESOME.
I won't use all though. Sorry. I will use Placid Plains, Korretis, Baishoe Bay, Jaravi Jungle, and Rosslin Swamp.
lol the other ones weren't that interesting anyways :3
Ty for choosing 5 out of 8 !
Last edited by Ludichris1 (2010-05-08 17:24:29)
Name: Dymal Forest
Biome: Forest
Fauna: Many insects and small mammals live in this forest, as well as several larger animals. Kago, Fubbles, Shiihau, Ekke, Fluffits, and many many other animals live in it.
Flora: The forest consists mostly of very tall trees and plants. The forest is very dense with vegetation, and seems almost like a jungle.
Extra info: This very large forest contains several lakes and hills, though it is mainly flat.
Mythology: This forest is said to contain a lake made of light. The true interpretation is unknown, but many believe it is either a gateway to heaven or contains the Elixir of Life. No lake of this sort has been found yet.
Kileymeister wrote:
Name: Dymal Forest
Biome: Forest
Fauna: Many insects and small mammals live in this forest, as well as several larger animals. Kago, Fubbles, Shiihau, Ekke, Fluffits, and many many other animals live in it.
Flora: The forest consists mostly of very tall trees and plants. The forest is very dense with vegetation, and seems almost like a jungle.
Extra info: This very large forest contains several lakes and hills, though it is mainly flat.
Mythology: This forest is said to contain a lake made of light. The true interpretation is unknown, but many believe it is either a gateway to heaven or contains the Elixir of Life. No lake of this sort has been found yet.
Shall I quote:
wiimaster wrote: