can u advertise galleries? cuz i want the i review your project gallery on your news if you can
thank you
I have heard that there will be a new release of scratch this summer. The thread where I heard it is here.
Try putting that into your magizine.
Last edited by Bobby500 (2008-05-29 21:05:51)
I have a good Idea. Interveiw people on what they think could be added to scratch to make it better.
These are all great ideas and fast reply's thanks, and i will advertise for you sidthesquid and Bobby500 thats a very good topic and geckofreak who should i interivew
Last edited by Lanie (2008-05-29 21:35:33)
I'm not suggesting advertising, I'm suggesting interveiws about how scratch could be improved.
can you advertise my game pocket tanks?
Me and FunkyMonkey are making a big game with my brand new scroling method. Maybe do something on that, game or new scrolling method?
Please can you advertise my chao club? it has a few members but it would be great if more people would join! A good picture to go with it is this:
Look at the little dudes dance!!!
Lanie wrote:
These are all great ideas and fast reply's thanks, and i will advertise for you sidthesquid and Bobby500 thats a very good topic and geckofreak who should i interivew
Gekc freek said that we could interview somebody.Well Laine we did Interveiew Mletreat so why not use that one.If you want it its in the H.Q.
Lanie wrote:
Interveiw people like dingdong or oldschooler2
geckofreak wrote:
I'm not suggesting advertising, I'm suggesting interveiws about how scratch could be improved.
srsly, im just saying, i dont think ne1 wants to get rid of the advertising, he can put interviews, but she shudnt get rid of them
can i get interveiwed, ive always wanted to be, interviwed, it would maek me feel sepcial, i have been interviewed once in real life, it was for a news paper