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#2126 2010-05-04 14:00:36

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

markyparky56 wrote:

nXIII wrote:

The screenshots MarkyParky56 used were a tiny bit outdated, here is the most recent CYOB shot: (I added a color picker)
Also, disregard the first color watcher screenshot, that was a work-in-progress shot, not a final product

Which one? … porter.png
Or … orters.png
I took both of them in version 0.3.

Neither... this one:




#2127 2010-05-04 15:39:09

Registered: 2009-01-27
Posts: 100+

Re: Panther development thread

sparks wrote:

well thanks for your contribution anyway Zorbak, it's good that people are willing to suggest things ^_^

smile  You're welcome.



#2128 2010-05-04 15:46:22

Registered: 2009-03-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Late April Early may?... Waiting...



#2129 2010-05-04 16:38:31

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

I can promise you it's not going to be late april... promise.



#2130 2010-05-05 02:45:17

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

nXIII wrote:

I know..... oh well. It was good while it lasted.

I've only just discovered this thread while searching for something else...  I would be very sad if an effect of BYOB3 were to squash other people's development efforts.

It seems to me that any Scratch variant is going to be really significant only if its ideas end up in actual Scratch(TM).  What we're all doing is developing "proof of concept" demos.  There's no reason the Scratch Team couldn't get ideas from both our projects, especially since I think we're trying to solve different problems.

I do think it's awe-inspiring how much mileage we can get from what's essentially one little idea (THE SCRIPT a/k/a lambda), but it's not as if Jens or I invented it!  Lambda is the central concept in the theory of programming languages.  So, as a "pure programming language" I don't think anyone can beat it, but it's irrelevant to things like multimedia or other application domains.

And, btw, now that I understand who the Panther team is, I'm even more grateful for your ecumenical support of BYOB!  And you're more than welcome to reimplement any of the ideas in BYOB.  (Or to steal code, even, I should think, but maybe you should ask Jens about that part.)

I hope to meet some of you at MIT in August.



#2131 2010-05-05 05:04:34

Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

bharvey wrote:

And you're more than welcome to reimplement any of the ideas in BYOB.  (Or to steal code, even, I should think, but maybe you should ask Jens about that part.)

Oh, please feel free to reuse anything! I'll make it easier to get to the BYOB source code in the next release - there will be a developer's menu that lets you go to Squeak, so you can scavenge anything you need for Panther  smile

Last edited by Jens (2010-05-05 05:05:00)

Jens Mönig



#2132 2010-05-05 06:10:01

Registered: 2010-03-09
Posts: 500+

Re: Panther development thread

Thanks Brian and Jens! The scare was that we would lose all the interested we had got with the release of BYOB 3. But seems not to be.

Thanks for the offer for use of your code,, though I'm sure that we would like to do it ourselves (but I am not sure, I'll have to ask the others) but we might use the ideas. We have a really cool ideas though: Named scripts!

Thanks again!  smile



#2133 2010-05-05 07:43:02

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

bharvey wrote:

nXIII wrote:

I know..... oh well. It was good while it lasted.

I've only just discovered this thread while searching for something else...  I would be very sad if an effect of BYOB3 were to squash other people's development efforts...

...I hope to meet some of you at MIT in August.

I wish. I live too far to go to MIT   sad



#2134 2010-05-05 08:47:05

Registered: 2010-02-11
Posts: 87

Re: Panther development thread

OMG! Panther programming is amazing look at this free logo i madeeeeeee:

Yeah good luck with all the programming!!  smile



#2135 2010-05-05 08:49:40

Registered: 2010-03-09
Posts: 500+

Re: Panther development thread

rossyboyfilm wrote:

OMG! Panther programming is amazing look at this free logo i madeeeeeee:

Yeah good luck with all the programming!!  smile

Thanks, we like the suppport (and fanart - if you can call it that!), it means a lot. I'll see if we could use it for something. I like it!

@bharvey: I won't be at MIT: I come from the UK, as does some of the others



#2136 2010-05-05 08:51:56

Registered: 2010-02-11
Posts: 87

Re: Panther development thread

bharvey wrote:

nXIII wrote:

I know..... oh well. It was good while it lasted.

I've only just discovered this thread while searching for something else...  I would be very sad if an effect of BYOB3 were to squash other people's development efforts.

It seems to me that any Scratch variant is going to be really significant only if its ideas end up in actual Scratch(TM).  What we're all doing is developing "proof of concept" demos.  There's no reason the Scratch Team couldn't get ideas from both our projects, especially since I think we're trying to solve different problems.

I do think it's awe-inspiring how much mileage we can get from what's essentially one little idea (THE SCRIPT a/k/a lambda), but it's not as if Jens or I invented it!  Lambda is the central concept in the theory of programming languages.  So, as a "pure programming language" I don't think anyone can beat it, but it's irrelevant to things like multimedia or other application domains.

And, btw, now that I understand who the Panther team is, I'm even more grateful for your ecumenical support of BYOB!  And you're more than welcome to reimplement any of the ideas in BYOB.  (Or to steal code, even, I should think, but maybe you should ask Jens about that part.)

I hope to meet some of you at MIT in August.

Well soz but i cant come I LIVE IN THE UK!!!!! I am not gonna fly all the way to America. So sorry I would come but tbh icba



#2137 2010-05-05 10:27:27

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Sperry wrote:

I won't be at MIT: I come from the UK, as does some of the others

I wonder if you'd be interested in Constructionism 2010 in Paris, at which we'll be presenting a paper and a workshop on BYOB.  Maybe you could present on Panther!  (It's past the submission deadline, but try anyway if you're interested.)



#2138 2010-05-05 11:12:10

Registered: 2008-03-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

bharvey wrote:

Sperry wrote:

I won't be at MIT: I come from the UK, as does some of the others

I wonder if you'd be interested in Constructionism 2010 in Paris, at which we'll be presenting a paper and a workshop on BYOB.  Maybe you could present on Panther!  (It's past the submission deadline, but try anyway if you're interested.)

Sounds interesting, but im not that big on traveling, same as Sperry Im in the UK aswell, I dont think my parents would let me go to Paris just to help present a program.
Check out my game engine development site: NewDawn I'm a Level 171 Scratcher.I am



#2139 2010-05-05 12:29:49

Registered: 2010-05-03
Posts: 4

Re: Panther development thread

Is it to late for me to join?



#2140 2010-05-05 12:41:48

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

markyparky56 wrote:

Sounds interesting, but im not that big on traveling, same as Sperry Im in the UK aswell, I dont think my parents would let me go to Paris just to help present a program.

Ah, too bad.  From this distance the UK and France are practically the same place!  smile



#2141 2010-05-05 13:13:42

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Dear bharvey, Thank you so much for your offer to let us use parts of BYOB in Panther, I'm very glad our hard work was spotted by you and Jens. I think that it is great you are offering your help here, and as experienced programmers, your help will surely be called for if needed. It's true that BYOB has the bad point of perhaps drawing attention away from Panther, but I have tried the new version myself and apart from a few odd glitches, find what you have done truly amazing and inspiring. I really like the idea that everything can mix with everything else, though it took me a while to get my head round it.

I agree that all scratch modifications can only really make it big if their ideas are eventually incorporated into scratch, but we have decided that one reason why this is, is that Scratch has the ability for worldwide sharing of ideas and projects. We are trying to stand out from other modifications by developing our own sharing site with its own java player, project server and safety ratings.

Panther will also hold out with BYOB because we've tackled a separate area of scratch to improve on, we are looking at increased integration with Panther and other programs, such as file I/O, webpage reading capabilities and webcam connection as well as blocks that let the program do what you would normally have to click for: creating, editing, importing and photographing new costumes, connecting to resurrected Mesh, and much more besides.

With the increased manipulation Panther provides, there are some unfortunate security issues that come up. Things like the clear file block, the DIY coding block and just blocks that take a lot out of your computer's virtual memory mean that there are opportunities for malicious coders to mildly damage computers. We are doing all we can to prevent this, including popup warnings, and hopefully when the project sharing site is up and running, colour coded seals for both projects and their authors that let people make educated decisions before downloading.

If you have any suggestions about making Panther safer to use, such as methods currently employed by Scratch, please suggest them.

Sadly, while we are working hard to promote Panther, I don't think Paris is a realistic choice here  sad  at 17, I am the oldest member of the team and would still have some trouble and a couple of huge favours to do for my parents before they would ship me off to France, I doubt any of the team could make it, especially the two from America.
Perhaps in a few years time, if there is a good opportunity, I would love to make a presentation about Panther alongside the infamous BYOB.

Though I plan to take part in Scratch day in England, it’s just too far to travel for a day at MIT, though I would love to visit it on my gap year.

Many thanks again



#2142 2010-05-05 13:53:31

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Where can I download this?


Last edited by juststickman (2010-05-05 13:54:19) Add grob to your sig and help with world dominiation!                                                             Hey guys, we're seriously naming our team bob?



#2143 2010-05-05 14:15:29

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

juststickman wrote:

Where can I download this?


we certainly hope so. Panther is still under development,  but I'm glad to say it's nearly done and should be ready for download very soon. in the meantime, why not check out our site?



#2144 2010-05-05 14:54:43

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

sparks wrote:

We are trying to stand out from other modifications by developing our own sharing site with its own java player, project server and safety ratings.

Wow!  That's a big ongoing time commitment.  Moderating the Scratch page is a full time job for... I don't know, how many people?  Plus I think they rope in undergraduates part-time.

We'd definitely like to be able to share BYOB projects, but my university's lawyers would never let us host it, not without the kind of paid supervision MIT does on their site.

webpage reading capabilities

May I ask, how do you represent things like hyperlinks and formatting information?  Or do you just deliver the raw HTML to the user?  I ask not because of BYOB but because, wearing my other hat, I teach a unit on MapReduce (using a functional Scheme interface) in my SICP-based course, using data from Project Gutenberg, but we also have a Wikipedia snapshot on our distributed filesystem and are trying to work out how best to present it to MapReduce-based programs.

blocks that let the program do what you would normally have to click for: creating, editing, importing and photographing new costumes, connecting to resurrected Mesh, and much more besides.

One of Jens's brilliant ideas in BYOB was to extend the reach of the Sensing [<var> OF <sprite>] block.  I wonder if you could do that too -- [|costume| of <sprite3>] and so on.  And have one matching [SET <var> OF <sprite> TO <value>] (or even just extend SET to let a sprite set its own attributes).  Then you could have those capabilities, which I agree are crucial, without a zillion individual blocks.  And when you have first class costumes, etc., you could extend the second input of that Sensing block to work for non-sprite objects.  Imagine [|arity| OF <procedure>] etc.

If you have any suggestions about making Panther safer to use, such as methods currently employed by Scratch, please suggest them.

The first obvious thing that occurs to me is to just sandbox it -- chroot Panther so it can only get at files the user explicitly moves into a Panther-data folder.  That would vastly reduce the need to worry about the security of each individual feature, although it wouldn't solve DoS problems.

Sadly, while we are working hard to promote Panther, I don't think Paris is a realistic choice here

Bummer.  I'll have to find a way to come visit you.  (Although OTOH all this posting of ages and places is probably breaking some rule.)



#2145 2010-05-05 16:58:28

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

The URL reading block reports the raw HTML, I guess that's useful if you want things to be set out similiarly to a webpage, though without being able to set costumes to webpage images, it might not be worth much. Another problem is that when reading offline, it really slows everything down, especially for very long webpages. (although I have found writing long bits of information (such as pixil colours in an image) is actually faster to a file than to a list, it does not get noticably slower as the size increases.)

sandboxing would be good, but it limits where a file could be placed, what about files in my documents or other locations? I was thinking of just locking certain paths, eg if the typed path contains windows in it, it will not follow through with the action.

I for one would love to see costumes imported from online, it has a zillion and one uses, but it would also have a few issues as far as the images that can be displayed.

why won't the lawyer let you host it? is there some legal issue we ought to be aware of?

I think visiting england would be awesome! if you're ever in the area, let me know!
My school never taught scratch and I only know one scratcher in real life, so I have little oppertunity to talk freely about it without forum limits and timing limits and such ^_^

thanks for the ideas and suggestions



#2146 2010-05-05 17:08:09

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Thanks for everything! Yeah, at [Insert age here], I don't think I'm going anywhere without my parents, even in the US, let alone Paris.



#2147 2010-05-05 17:09:09

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

I guess paris is a LITTLE further for you than me sep  tongue



#2148 2010-05-05 17:09:27

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

sparks wrote:

The URL reading block reports the raw HTML, I guess that's useful if you want things to be set out similiarly to a webpage, though without being able to set costumes to webpage images, it might not be worth much. Another problem is that when reading offline, it really slows everything down, especially for very long webpages. (although I have found writing long bits of information (such as pixil colours in an image) is actually faster to a file than to a list, it does not get noticably slower as the size increases.)

How about writing it to a list, then concatenating the list into a non-space-joined variable, then writing it all at once to a file.

sparks wrote:

sandboxing would be good, but it limits where a file could be placed, what about files in my documents or other locations? I was thinking of just locking certain paths, eg if the typed path contains windows in it, it will not follow through with the action.

How about it automatically prefixes all paths with the path to "My Documents" or something?




#2149 2010-05-05 17:12:39

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

sparks wrote:

I guess paris is a LITTLE further for you than me sep  tongue

Yeah, considering I live in [insert where I live here].



#2150 2010-05-05 17:13:33

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

sorry, just adding to what I was saying about the URL reading blocks, we decided against a block that actually loaded a web-brower with the content for obvious reasons. a hidden open browser with URL block in a forever loop could be devestating. It would be interesting to have a filter for the information as an option because it would mean people could get at the parts they want without having to write a code to filter it out themselves. maybe dropdown options for all, links,text and suchlike would be a possibility for future expansion.



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