i think there should be a page on the website which shows an A-Z of all of the users on scratch because one day I wanted to look for someone, i typed it in on the search thingy on the top right underneath 'my stuff' and I couldn't find the person i was looking for. So on the homepage there should really be a link to an A-Z of users. Who agrees with me?
Ya, and maybe like an icon for whether there online or not (if you want to give them sudden feedback or discuss a project)
music_man wrote:
I think that would be a good idea. Maybe there could be a link in that section that will show the new users to Scratch.
On the front page, to the right near the bottom, there is a section showing the four newest members to join.
Zelda123 wrote:
music_man wrote:
I think that would be a good idea. Maybe there could be a link in that section that will show the new users to Scratch.
On the front page, to the right near the bottom, there is a section showing the four newest members to join.
What I meant was that it would show all of the members that joined that day.
these are awesome ideas! i am thinking of more suggestions too.
Last edited by piplupquaza (2008-06-06 12:09:50)
i think this is a great idea ! Then i i could find my mate on scrach easier
Last edited by firekid491 (2008-06-03 15:56:31)
A wonderful idea! Perhaps not all on one page though, that would take FOREVER to load! It could be set up like your friends list, except with everybody in Scratch. You should be allowed to have 2 avatars, one for online, and one for off.
If you know someone's username and you want to see their MyStuff page you can just type this on your address bar:
replace username with the actual username of the person
Additionally, someone has created a simple Yahoo Pipe that does this: