I noticed some problems when using the pen blocks.
Although i implemented as much "go to front" blocks as possible, the sprite using the pen came to front, but when it draws something, it was hidden behind other sprites.
- Used go to front
- Pen sprite came to front
- Also 'new' pen drawings where hidden behind other sprites.
Is this a known problem?
Can i prevent it?
You can never make the pen draw over other sprites. The pen can only draws on the background. There is no way to prevent it from doing this. I wish it could draw on the sprites.
music_man wrote:
CFCRubiks wrote:
Maybe you can stamp it?
No matter what you do it will always be behind your sprites
Really. I don't wait..... Your right, nvm
The only ways you could simulate the pen drawing over a sprite would be:
1) Stamp the sprite onto the background and then draw over the stamp. Of course, you then cannot move the drawn-on-sprite.
2) If your pen is limited to certain directions and movement you could make a "drawn on" costume for the sprite.
It does get realey annoying!