turtlewarrior wrote:
I got rid of it.
But it would make sense to also get rid of the users in the Scrationary, too. After all, someone who sees a user name will have an idea that they're on the list of popular Scratchers.
I'm pretty sure I got most of em
Last edited by turtlewarrior (2009-08-04 21:33:21)
I really think you should clean up the post, because it looks really messy at the moment. If you want, I can clean it up for you as I think it would help more people that way.
Wow. I personally think this isn't neccecary. Lots of this information can be found by searching around, and by clicking "support". People really need to become less lazy
Nice! Complete. Funny. Completely funny!
Hey, this is really useful. Regarding the 'tools' heading, the widely accepted names for the types of blocks are as follows:
"hats": the curvy orange top thingies
"commands": the ones that snap on top of each other to perform an action
"c-blocks": blocks that have command blocks inside them, like 'repeat', 'forever', or 'if/else', referring to their shape
"reporters": blocks that store or return a value like 'x position', 'mouse down?', or variables
"caps": blocks that end a script ('stop script' and 'stop all')
Also I think it might be appropriate to have a heading about list blocks under the "List of All Lists" section.
Last edited by fullmoon (2009-11-18 23:17:39)
WOW!!!! thats a LOT of work! awesome!
Pretty good! You should put in a section for tutorial projects.
shamrocker wrote:
Pretty good! You should put in a section for tutorial projects.
Hm. Where are tutorial projects?
why is shamrocker always necroposting?
It's not necroposting if it's stickied...
although, I probably shouldn't have posted that...
okay, I'll shut up now
turtlewarrior wrote:
...Why not?
kk I know military talk up to..um...like, K, and I have seen games that are 2.0 and say beta, but technically it's Bravo:
GAMMA or sometimes GOLF
Lucario621 wrote:
Wow. I personally think this isn't neccecary. Lots of this information can be found by searching around, and by clicking "support". People really need to become less lazy
8 months later, I agree.
Hmm. Many begginners may love this. Someone should move it there.
turtlewarrior wrote:
THE ALMIGHTY SCRATCHTIONARY! (Intended for Scratch Illiterate users)
If you want to reply, than DON’T QUOTE THIS! It will make a big page even longer. It has over 10 pages of text.
This dictionary for Scratch is intended for Scratchers who don't understand a word or phrase that involves scratch, or the scratch forum. The Scrationary includes several entries on each program block and explains what it does in help. It also goes through some terminology of scratch, very-well known members and curators, and many computer abbreviations that some people may not know about, but it excludes some inappropriate ones which I won't give an example of. WORDS THAT ARE USED IN THE DEFINITION OF ANOTHER WORD ARE SOMETIMES ITALICIZED. THAT MEANS THEY CAN BE FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCRATCHIONARY.
There’s also some light relief comic relief on sections that have hardly anything in there. It really does not affect your reading.
The really important definitions come first while the rest go in alphabetical order. To Newbies: If you are planning on posting a question read this and then only post if this did not answer your question. If I did not include something which you feel should be in here say the word along with a proper definition and I'll happily add it.
Important top-lining definitions
Scratch: Scratch is a visual programming language like Flash or Java based on and implemented in Squeak. Being dynamic, it lets code be changed even as programs are running. It has the goal of teaching programming concepts to children, teens, and young adults, or programmers who are just starting out, and letting them create games, videos, and music. It can be downloaded for free and is being used in a wide variety of in-school and after-school settings around the world. It is being used in various schools and is currently in Version 1.4 [/b]. See also [i]Version 3 Version 3.1. Version 4
Tools: Tools are blocks that you use in scratch in a jigsaw puzzle way. They are mainly separated into head blocks , connector blocks, and tabs . Okay, so they are not the OFFICIAL names, but we'll just use those as examples. Full explanations on what each of them do in their respective articles. They are also divided by into [Motion, Looks, Command, Numbers/Operations, Sensing, Pen, Sound, and Variables [/i] If you have questions about them see their respective articles. More: http://scratch.wikia.com/wiki/Blocks
See also: FAQ on Tools
About: About is the section of the Scratch website that tells you about Scratch. It can be found here
Advanced Topics (forums) A forum topic where Sctachers can talk about technical aspects or advanced features.
AFK Internet Slang Abbreviation meaning Away From Keyboard
See Also: Brb, Lol, g2g
All About Scratch (forums) A forum topic where users, new and old, can ask questions about Scratch. It is also the forum you are viewing right now.
Alpha An alpha project is an incomplete project with bugs still in it. It comes after people develop the demo and before people develop the beta
Answer Tab: The Answer Tab is a tab that stores the words the player gives to the software after the Ask connector block is pressed. It can be used in a number of ways, but mainly can be combined with the things in the "See Also" column of this article. It can be placed where numbers usually go like all Tabs, and is always associated with the "Ask" Connector Block.
See Also: Join Tab, Letter Tab, and Length Of Tab
Announcements (forum) : A forum topic where members (Usually of the Scratch Team ) announce new aspects about Scratch.
The "ask" connector block: The "ask" block was a new feature added to Version 1.4 of scratch. When added to a script, the sprite would ask the player a question. A text bar would appear at the bottom of the screen. The player could then type something in, and that "answer" would be stored in the answer tab . It is stored in the "sensing"section, and is commonly used in 1.4 projects.
See Also: Answer Tab
BBCode: See this page
Beta A beta comes after an alpha version, but is not a complete game, and probably still has a few bugs in it.
Blocks See the important top lining definitions of Tools.
BRB Internet slang term for Be Right Back
Broadcast Broadcasts are used very often. With broadcasts think of the radio. The radio station gives off a broadcast and the radio receives and says the broadcast. In scratch it is similar. One sprite, the radio station, gives off a broadcast. Another sprite, the radio, receives it. Then it does whatever the broadcast told it to do. Then we, the listener (or in this case watcher or gamer} listen (in this case watch or game ) to what the sprite does.
How to use broadcasts
1: Find the block that looks like this:
<broadcast[ Jump ]and wait c>
2: Put that into Scratch Cat
3: Click “Choose Random Sprite From File”.
4: Put the block [blocks] <when I receive[ Jump] [/blocks] on to your random block
5:When Scratch brodcasts jump then your random sprite will receive jump and do anything under the “When I receive “ Block.
See also : http://resources.scratchr.org/pages/tutorials.php I heartily endorse this product or service
Change There are many connector blocks that involve change, so I have gathered them all here. Each of them change many things about the projects, everything from the size of a sprite to the shade of a pen. They are:
<change pen color by( Changes the pen color to a certain degree
<change pen shade by( Changes the shade of the pen to a certain degree
<change[ ]effect by( Changes either color, fisheye, whirl, ghost,brightness, mosaic and pixelate by a certain degree. To see what each of them do please see Look changing definitions.
<change pen size by( Self Explanatory
<change size by( Changes Size by a certain degree.
It also includes in 1.3 and 1.4 Change Volume by : And Change tempo by:
Code Either 1: The tools used to make a project AKA A Script or 2: See this page
Connector Blocks Connector blocks are what get everything moving! Or drawing! Or appearing! Or Variabling. Or- well you get the picture. Connector blocks have a little stub on the top and bottom parts of it, so you can connect a block to the top and bottom of it. Connector blocks won’t run online without a head block so make sure to add that first. They are the most popularly used type of block.
Some examples are...
<if on edge, bounce>
<next costume>
<pen down>
Important Information about Connector Blocks: [/b]
1:They can be found in every section of your tools but numbers
2: They made me make an a list for them when I could only think of one thing to put in the list.
Control: Control is a Tool which can be identified by it's orange color. It is the only main tool division that includes head blocks . It also includes the block which is used to the most in Scratch, the When Green Flag Click Head block. It can also give out broadcasts , and includes the forever, forever if, and if blocks.
Important Information about Control:
1:Has 16 different blocks
2: Is necessary for a project with Scripts
3: Has the "Stop Script" and "Stop All" blocks, which are the only of it's kind. Since they are not included in the Scratchtionary, I will explain them now. You see, they are special blocks called End Blocks that can stop a current script if something happens or stop the game entirely.
4: Can be recognized by it's orange
Costumes: Costumes are different sprites attached to one sprite. Costumes can be controlled in the Looks section and can make movement happen, listen to Variables and more! For example, do the following
1:Open Scratch
2: Click on Scratch Cat
3:Click the “Costumes” tab.
4:Click the second costume.
Scratch turned into his second costume which is where he is walking. So to execute that in the script go to looks and, for example, wright the following script:
<when green flag clicked>
<next costume>
<wait( 0.2 )secsc>
So, then it looks like Scratch is walking, which is an example of a use of walking. Discover the rest for yourself. The tools that involve costumes are all in the " Looks " Section and are all Connector Blocks. They are
<switch to costume[
<next costume>
and in 1.4 there is a Costume # tab.
Curator A curator is someone of mass power who is selected by the scratch team. S/he picks 3 projects and puts them on the front page. There is also a forum where you can apply to be a curator, but it is unlikely you will be picked this way.
See Also: http://info.scratch.mit.edu/Become_a_Scratch_Curator
Delete: The delete key looks like scissors . When clicked your cursor turns into scissors. Then you can click on a sprite to delete it and all of it's scripts.
Demo Something which there is 2x more than finished projects on Scratch -.-
Duplicate: "Duplicate" is a feature that makes a new sprite out of another sprite you already have with the same scripts and names it has "Sprite 1, 2, 3 etc." It resembles a stamping tool.
Edit The edit button appears next to a costume. When clicked it takes you into paint
and let’s you edit the costume.
Educators (forum): A forum topic where teachers can talk about how they are eating watermelons- I mean using scratch in Education.
End Blocks End blocks can be found in control. They end either a script or the whole game. They are
<stop all>
<stop script>
ETM Internet Slang term for Every Twig Mirror. Okay, so I just did that to get something else in the “E” column.
Everything About Scratch "Everything about Scratch (http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=20458 )"
Featured Projects See Projects
Forever Makes a script run forever and ever. Can be stacked with more forever blocks, and if you add an if block and a stop script block you can stop the script if something happens
Forever if Makes a script run forever and ever if something happens.
Forums A forum is a Internet message board where users can post messages regarding one or more topics of discussion. The Scratch Forums include : [i] Announcements, New Scratch Members, Show and Tell, FAQ, All about Scratch, Educators, Advanced Topics, Suggestions, Troubleshooting, and Sensor board.
Game A game is a project which many interactive features. It also has a goal.
See Also: Movie, Thingamajig
Gallery A gallery is where people collect projects which are somehow related. Many galleries are Rpg’s To create a gallery go to this link:
Godzilla Appears in my games a lot. Giant monster. Sorry for the subliminal messages.
Green Flag The green flag starts the game or movie or thingamajig. It has the block “When Green Flag Clicked”.
Head Blocks Every project with at least 1 script has a head block. There are 4 head blocks, all found in the control section. They look like
<when green flag clicked>. When the Green Flag is clicked than do everything underneath this block.
<when[ ]key pressed> When a specific key is pressed do everything under this block
<when[ ]clicked> When this sprite is clicked do everything under this block
<when I receive[ When another sprite gives me a broadcast do everything under this block
All scripts have to start with a head block or they won’t work online.
This is also a popular block. When activated it hides the sprite completely. It is the opposite of the show connector block. It can be found in looks.
If The if block looks like this:
It has a little opening where you can input tabs . For example, put down the if block, then add “when touching Evil Zombie “ Then in the middle of it type in “Change Variable Your hp by Pick Random 200 to 300”. So when the hero touches the evil zombie your Hp decreases randomly by 200 to 300. THUS IS THE POWER OF THE IF BLOCK! LONG LIVE THE IF BLOCK!!
If Else The if else block looks like the if block with an extra section.
<if> touching Time Bonus!
Change Variable time by 30
Change Variable time by 1
Wait 1 second.
Jetpack Boy Found in costumes, a jetpack sprite with gravity. Many games have been made using the scripts and sprites with him.
Kat See Scratch Cat
Key 1: A letter, number, or command on a keyboard 2: A metal device used for opening doors 3: Sir Vincent Arnold Reginald Key, a guy who I made up just now.
Key Pressed? The “When Key is Pressed” tab can be found in the sensing section. It can be combined with various blocks and gives this effect:
When you hold the selected key for a time certain things will happen (whatever you put in the “if” block). It can be used in place of the “When Key is Pressed” block.
Lime A fruit which should not be in this dictionary.
List of All Lists
A) List of questions: You can find questions in the forum, and ask some, so need for that here.
B) List of popular Scratchers:
Due to a lot of complaining, I have sent a swarm of text eating zombies to eat this list.
C) List of Tools Divisions (Instead of naming every tool, here is a division:
3:Go to
5:X and Y changes and sets
6:If on Edge
7: X position and Y position
9: Waits
15: Communications
16: Effects
17: Sizes
18: Touchings
19: Mouse
20: Pressing
24: Numbers
25: Pens
26: Variables
27: Lists
Check the Scratch Wikia and look up “Blocks” for more info.
Looks Looks is a section on the top of Scratch. It is purple and controls how the character looks. It can : Change Costumes, Change Sizes, Change Graphics, Set Size, Show and Hide
Important Information about Looks:
1:Has 17 different blocks
2: Is necessary for a project with Costumes
3: Has the “Say” and “Think” blocks, the most commonly used blocks in looks.
4: Can be recognized by it's purple color.
Mario Popular sprite character, commonly used with scratch.
Megaman A user which usually appears in Turtlewarrior’s projects, and REALLY should not be in this dictionary. Appears with godzilla
A section that divides blocks. In controles all movement and can : Move, Turn, Point, Go To, Glide, Change X, Change Y, and bounce.
Important Information about Motion:
1:Has 16 different blocks
2: Is necessary for a project where stuff moves ( “Stuff Moves” is the scientific term, of couse )
3: Has the Move ___ steps, which is really popular and found in over 60% of all projects
4: Can be recognized by it's blue color.
My Friends Latest Projects See Projects
N/A Not applicable. Like the “N” column because there is nothing in it besides this and
Newest Projects See Projects
Orange A fruit... what?
Pen A section which deals with a line coming from the end of the sprite. It has 11 different blocks and is green. It is the least popularly used section.
Projects A project is either a [i] game , movie, or thingmajig [/b] that is made and sometimes submitted using scratch. There are many favorite projects. On the front page they are seperated into
Newest Projects- The earliest projects submitted
Featured Projects- Projects Selected for their awesomeness
My Friends Latest Projects- Self Explanitory
Projects Selected by ________- The curators selected projects
Projects from Scratch Design studio= Every so often a contest is held, and the best of that contest are put on the front page.
Top Remixed- Self Explanitory
Top Loved- Self Explanitory
Top Viewed- Self Explanitory
See Also: Game, Move, Thingmajig.
Scratch: See [i] Important Top Lining Definitions At the top of this page.
Scratch Cat The mascot for Scratch. Appears whenever you open up a new project in Scratch.
Scratch Development Team: The Scratch development team includes: Mitchel Resnick, John Maloney, Natalie Rusk, Evelyn Eastmond, Amon Millner, Jay Silver, Eric Rosenbaum, and Karen Brennan in the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab.
Scratch Olympics A forum game where users make teams of 5 or less and then work together to make a game. They are then voted on. Made by user Technomad- Uh I mean Technoman.
Sensing can be found on the top of Scratch, and is light blue. It was the only Section with no Connector Blocks except for “Recet Timer” until 1.4 when it got “Ask _______ and wait” connector. It consists mainly of tabs , and smells of rutabega.
Important Information about Sensing:
1:Has 17 different blocks
2: Is the biggest tab section.
3: Has the main feature added from 1.4, the ask block.
4: Can be recognized by it's light blue color.
Show And Tell ( Forums ) A forum where you can show off your projects and galleries
Sound A section which has many blocks that play sound, or change sound.
Suggestions (forums ) [/b] A forum topic where you can make suggestions towards scratch
Tabs Small blocks that fit inside either blank circles or diamonds.
Turtlewarrior Some guy who is awesome, but honestly does not belong in this Scratchepedia, and is just here because the weirdo wanted at least some credit for making such a long post.
Ten Questions of Doom A game which honesly does not belong in the Scratchepedia, but broke in and weaseled itself in here. I tried to remove it but it bit me. Honestly!
By: Turtlewarrior
NB: I am awesome
PS: I am awesome
PSS: I smell of rutabaga
PSSS: This took a long time
PSSSS: There are more entries here than in the Scratch Wikia, which is pretty sad.
PSSSSS: Remember to go to this Link for more help : "Everything about Scratch (http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=20458 )"
PSSSSSS: Stickied! Woohoo! I've never gotten anything stickied before!
BWOG wrote:
HD123 wrote:
PS means post script. Post script script script script script script is an improper usage.
No, PS stands for "Please See"
The Page I linked To wrote:
Definitions of PS on the Web:
postscript: a note appended to a letter after the signature
And it's not supposed to be PSSSS, it's suposed to be PPPPS.
coolstuff wrote:
BWOG wrote:
HD123 wrote:
PS means post script. Post script script script script script script is an improper usage.
No, PS stands for "Please See"
The Page I linked To wrote:
Definitions of PS on the Web:
postscript: a note appended to a letter after the signatureAnd it's not supposed to be PSSSS, it's suposed to be PPPPS.
I always thought it mean "Please See"...
"Post Script" doesn't even make any sense.
BWOG wrote:
coolstuff wrote:
BWOG wrote:
No, PS stands for "Please See"http://www.google.ca/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=define:PS&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&ei=Q83dS47HLsSBlAf0nIn9Cg
The Page I linked To wrote:
Definitions of PS on the Web:
postscript: a note appended to a letter after the signatureAnd it's not supposed to be PSSSS, it's suposed to be PPPPS.
I always thought it mean "Please See"...
"Post Script" doesn't even make any sense.
Well you could easily think of the body of a letter as the script. Post is the prefix for "after."
Or, you could think of it the way my dictionary does, which says it's from the latin "Postscriptum," which is the past participle of postscribere, which means ‘write under, add,’ from post ‘after, later’ + scribere ‘write.’
Hmm. I was looking over the first post, and at the end it said:
PSSSS: There are more entries here than in the Scratch Wikia, which is pretty sad.
I'm pretty sure, that has changed by now . Now there are about 100 content articles on the wiki! And I'd say that's more than how many entries this scrationary has. The articles vary from Move () Steps, to Scratch Time! Lots is covered, and it's already growing
Last edited by Lucario621 (2010-05-02 16:21:20)