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#1 2010-05-01 11:37:44

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 87

How do do a combo in a game.

Have you ever looked at, say, SSBB and seen the combos the characters do? But, you try it in a scratch game and it's just the same attack 3 times? Here's how to make a character do combos.

Let's say a heavy attack is A and a light attack is S. Now, make a list called combo. Implement a script on the player that deletes everything from the list every, say, 0.9 seconds. You can change the time if you want. Now, make it so when the S key is pressed, it adds one item, called L1, (Light 1) to the list. Make the block a "If, else" block inside a forever block. Now the script should be something like "if list combo contains 1 item, switch to costume ???(This is a different costume, because it is the second attack.). EDIT: If you have a health system, this attack could be weaker or stronger. If it's weaker, the next one should be stronger.

Now, this may seem confusing, but, as you get better at scratch, it will start to make sense.

Please move if nesscecary.

Last edited by Bioniclefan4 (2010-05-03 23:51:22)



#2 2010-05-01 11:47:34

Registered: 2009-12-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: How do do a combo in a game.

Very good!

I'm making my own Doctor Who series!  big_smile  See the first episode here.
And please join Story Zone!  big_smile



#3 2010-05-01 19:56:15

Registered: 2008-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: How do do a combo in a game.

Brilliant! These are good instructions.  smile

"Human beings... must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
-Charlotte Brontë



#4 2010-05-02 10:57:55

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 87

Re: How do do a combo in a game.

Jonathanpb wrote:

Brilliant! These are good instructions.  smile

calebxy wrote:

Very good!

Thank you!



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