Rodentboy wrote:
demosthenes wrote:
Once I'm done with GQ3 and if this idea is still going on, I'll help if I can.
We're making progress... we might be finished before GQ3 is! But if we aren't by the time you're done, we will appreciate the help!
You probably will be considering I've been working 3 months and am only about half way done
But I'll see if I can help in the meantime.
We are done the sprites but currently can't upload till April the 2nd due to internet difficulties on our employee's end
Couldn't you take the sprites on a USB and plug it into his computer, then transfer it to your computer then send it?
Last edited by Kileymeister (2010-03-29 16:57:40)
Lord-Sprites wrote:
We are done the sprites but currently can't upload till April the 2nd due to internet difficulties on our employee's end
Alright- thanks!
I can be a beta-tester or I could design sprites. I'm not amazing at sprite design but I can design pretty good some time. I suck at physics though... Still, I believe that this is a great idea. I am a huge fan of crush the castle. Maybe you could put fragile items (i.e. glass, teapots, mirrors, etc. in t place of the people. It would be kinda satisfying to see and hear pieces of glass exploding when you hit them with a bomb...) Anyway, I hope that I can help in any way that I can.
Last edited by prototype47 (2010-04-18 19:34:00)
prototype47 wrote:
I can be a beta-tester or I could design sprites. I'm not amazing at sprite design but I can design pretty good some time. I suck at physics though... Still, I believe that this is a great idea. I am a huge fan of crush the castle. Maybe you could put fragile items (i.e. glass, teapots, mirrors, etc. in t place of the people. It would be kinda satisfying to see and hear pieces of glass exploding when you hit them with a bomb...) Anyway, I hope that I can help in any way that I can.
I don't need a beta-tester, and you really don't need to design sprites... I really, really need a physics engine. And I guess nobody's read my update... there is going to be people, but what'll happen is when they feel too much pressure, they hop out and run away.
I hope you can help when things get a little more active here, though!
Last edited by Rodentboy (2010-04-18 21:49:08)
A message to anyone who reads this forum topic anymore:
Can I join? I know my projects are garbage, but I want to join...
Zxblqcktptyjsplkn wrote:
Can I join? I know my projects are garbage, but I want to join...
I don't understand what you mean by join, but you can help contribute! Look at the front page to see things I need.
Progress??? Not for a while, I'm afraid.
Well, what's next on this game's To Do list?
Kileymeister- Right now, I'm working on a sort of outline for the game- the reset button, how you have to win, a menu, and then I'll work on levels- I've decided instead of implementing real-time physics and collisions, I'll just make four sprites for blocks that each have the ball bounce in a certain way, so that when put together they form all the blocks for a level.
DaGamez- Yes! But I'm not sure what you should work on- what are you good at? If you know how to replicate physics, that would really help. I'll update the front page soon...
Rodentboy wrote:
Yes! But I'm not sure what you should work on- what are you good at? If you know how to replicate physics, that would really help. I'll update the front page soon...
Physics? I've never done that, but I can try to learn how! If I can't, If best at regular programming.
Well, I don't know where you can learn to do physics- don't look at me, I have only programmed sorts of gravity and explosion kinds of effects- and most of those have never been posted, because, well, they're bad. But for regular programming... you mean what? You could make a sort of menu screen for the game, and the buttons- you don't have to worry about the graphics for it, I can always do that. Tell me what you want to do.
sertin123 wrote:
i have explosion sounds if you want!!! ☺
Sorry, I already have more sounds than I need, as well as music. Thanks for your support!
I Dont Get It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!