what about a block that makes the sprite duplicate itself
Mick wrote:
I think a yellow bock would look good. It wud be cool if there could be an 'upload block' button. There could be a thing at the top of the screen (e.g. projects, galleries, forums)
called blocks. You could download them onto scratch. Which would be a better place to keep the blocks? In a file or folder, like sounds and costumes or in a block section, like motion or pen? I think the block section is a bad idea cuz it wud get really big after a while. Maybe there could be a block section & your able to import blocks from a file or folder. Maybe the block section cud be called 'Miscellaneous'. http://legoless.wordpress.com/files/2007/07/yello.gif
I like his idea of having a block section called "miscellaneous". What if there was a spot on the scratch page where you could ask the scratch team to make a block for your project (in yellow, of course) and they would put it on that page for people to download. If someone had already requested that block then you could just download that block without making them program the whole thing over again. And maybe there could be a black block section called "advanced" where there would be blocks like "JavaScript code fragment | textbox |" and other ones like it with PHP code fragments and HTML code fragments.
futuristictvshows wrote:
what about a block that makes the sprite duplicate itself
cds56 wrote:
add this code to whatever 'blocks' section you want.
(something like scratch-objects> ScratchSpriteMorph(click on class) > blockspecs > blockspecs)Code:
('clone this sprite' #- #duplicateNoAttach) ('delete this sprite' #- #undoableDeleteSprite)
Darksonn wrote:
You can download the a version of scratch were you can build you own blocks here: http://chirp.scratch.org/dl/BYOB.zip
The new BYOB 2.99 (alpha test for BYOB 3) is at http://byob.berkeley.edu
I think that there should be a way to compile Scratch projects into .exe or .app files.
In order to do that though, you would need a java compiler.
people have read my posts. Nothing's ever quaint when you add a little paint because when you have splatters everyone is flattered.
Perhaps a tab next to Sounds for a sprite would be useful. You could switch to the tab, and it would look just like the scripts, but you would create a script for a block, the collapse it and name it (just like a costume would). Then, on the scripts page on a pane there would be a block that would say "execute block [name of block ↓] or whatever, some like "preform block" instead or something. Then there could be an option such as "export this block" for other sprites to use. I'll try to make a mockup soon.