I'm currently in the middle of creating a game with a bird's-eye-view. Basically, you'll be looking down on the main character and his adventures throughout. What I'm having a problem with is that I have many backgrounds(rooms) to enter and I can't use the scripts with
"if touching color _"
"change to background _"
With all the different backgrounds(rooms) I have planned for this project, I'd eventually run out of colors, not to mention the colors I've already used to paint the backgrounds themselves. I need a script that will allow me to go the edge of the background screen, whether it be the top, left, right, or bottom edge and once I reach that edge to go the appropriate screen that I have broadcasted for it.
For example,
"if touching left edge of background 1"
"change to backround 2"
Do I need to make a variable for this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Lists are a good approach here...I've got an example that uses lists to keep track of what the neighbor backgrounds are for the four possible directions...
If i'm doing stuff like this I normally use sensors. Just make it as long as the little door is and name it as it's room. For example if I wanted to make a room sensor for the town hall, then I would call it "town hall sensor".
Then put on the sensor
When green flag clicked
set ghost effect to 100
And then on your little mover, do exaclty your code except do
If touching sprite : Sensor
If touching colour.
climber59 wrote:
You can use
<if> <(<x position> <>> 235 )>
That would probably be too complicated. You'd have to figure out the x position then put it in. It is a way though.