I'm getting my Year6 (10-11yrs old) to produce a set of short videos/animations using a variety of techniques and I'd like one group of them to use Scratch for their subject (the class have chosen Aztecs/Egyptians/Trojan Horse and Dinosaurs as their subjects.
Could anyone recommend any of the zillions of Scratch projects as goods one for me to examine for ideas on techniques please
Any other ideas welcome
There are 3 basic forms of animation on Scratch:
1) Moving the sprites.
2) Changing the costume of the background (in effect, animating the whole stage).
3) Changing the costume of indiviual sprites.
The best effects are, of course, achieved with combinations of all 3, or at least (1) and (3).
My only real animations are:
Thanks Mayhem - the money changers story type looks relatively easy to show and teach and the walking chicken was good
Any other good, simple techniques anyone?
SimpleScratch wrote:
Thanks Mayhem - the money changers story type looks relatively easy to show and teach and the walking chicken was good
Any other good, simple techniques anyone?
There are a couple of other approaches that I don't believe were included in the list in the earlier post:
1. Simply changing the size of a sprite can sometimes produce a useful animation effect. Consider the view from a spaceship falling toward the earth. Simply increasing the size of an earth sprite over time would give the appearance of falling toward the earth. Moving the earth sprite around while increasing its size would give the appearance that the spacecraft is not only falling toward the earth but is also tumbling. See the opening Starwars-style text in the animation at http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/dbal/166467
Note that this animation doesn't incorporate the tumbling concept.
2. Switching between two different sprites with similar costumes can also be useful. Although this is similar to simply changing costumes on a single sprite, this approach can sometimes make the code more compact. For example, see the treatment of the sprite walking versus the sprite shrugging his shoulders at http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/dbal/166467
In this case, separating the shrugging costume out from the five walking costumes makes it possible to implement the walking portion of the animation using the next costume block in a very tight loop instead of having to uniquely specify five out of six costumes for walking and one out of six costumes for shrugging.
Dick Baldwin
Free Alice tutorials: http://www.dickbaldwin.com/tocalice.htm
Free Scratch tutorials: http://www.dickbaldwin.com/tocHomeSchool.htm
Free Java/C#, etc. tutorials: http://www.dickbaldwin.com/toc.htm
Thanks for the hints and ideas!
I like the size increase to simulate movement from back to front of stage!
SimpleScratch wrote:
Thanks for the hints and ideas!
I like the size increase to simulate movement from back to front of stage!
You might be interested in my latest creation at http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/dbal/167580
This program is a non-interactive animation. The animation tells the story of a young boy who is lost on the moon. He wanders around trying to find his way. As he wanders, he gets further and further from the camera. Various animation tricks are used to create an illusion of perspective.
Dick Baldwin
Free Alice tutorials: http://www.dickbaldwin.com/tocalice.htm
Free Scratch tutorials: http://www.dickbaldwin.com/tocHomeSchool.htm
Free Java/C#, etc. tutorials: http://www.dickbaldwin.com/toc.htm
SimpleScratch wrote:
Thanks for the hints and ideas!
I like the size increase to simulate movement from back to front of stage!
The one at http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/dbal/167613 is also interesting. This program is very similar to the program named Perspective01. However, in that program, the boy continually moves away from the camera. In this version, the boy wanders back and forth in a truly random fashion. Sometimes he moves towards the camera and sometimes he moves away from the camera.
However, you must download and run this program in the local IDE to get it to run properly. For some reason, it doesn't work properly when run in the online Scratch viewer. Apparently the conversion from Scratch to a Java applet isn't exactly right.
Dick Baldwin
Free Alice tutorials: http://www.dickbaldwin.com/tocalice.htm
Free Scratch tutorials: http://www.dickbaldwin.com/tocHomeSchool.htm
Free Java/C#, etc. tutorials: http://www.dickbaldwin.com/toc.htm
Last edited by dbal (2008-05-19 00:32:22)