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[blocks]<when green flag clicked>[/blocks]
[blocks]<move(10 )steps>[/blocks]
[blocks]<if on edge, bounce>[/blocks]
That's one way that's simple. Another is:
[blocks]<when green flag clicked>[/blocks]
[blocks]<go to x <pick random( -250 )to( 250 )y
<pick random( -250 )to( 250[/blocks]
[blocks]<wait(.001 )secsc>[/blocks]
But that's more of appearing, but you could use glide instead of go to
If I can expand on what Bluestribute said...I would recommend trying the Glide block instead of the Go To block in the second method. The Go To block will give you a really frantic motion effect, too fast to really see so it will appear as though the sprite is disappearing and then reappearing. Maybe that is what you want, only you can say! But the Glide block will move the sprite smoothly from point to point across the screen. Try them both and see what looks best for your project.
You can also put some random direction into the first method:
<when green flag clicked>
<turn cw( <pick random( -10 )to( 10 )degrees>
<move( 5 )steps>
<if on edge, bounce>
Paddle2See wrote:
If I can expand on what Bluestribute said...I would recommend trying the Glide block instead of the Go To block in the second method. The Go To block will give you a really frantic motion effect, too fast to really see so it will appear as though the sprite is disappearing and then reappearing. Maybe that is what you want, only you can say! But the Glide block will move the sprite smoothly from point to point across the screen. Try them both and see what looks best for your project.
<when green flag clicked>
<glide( 1 )secs to x <pick random( -250 )to( 250 )y
<pick random( -250 )to( 250
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Pages: 1