we should all ban together to make a super sontest. Witth one winner who will have to draw animate, sing and make up a good story. That person will be the supreme contest winner of scratch until we hold another and they'll have to scratch for their title.
if you think it's a good idea post a yes.
That'd be hard. There are too many good scratchers. Some are popular, like Archmage(example), which are good, but some aren't as popular but are good. I'd like to see how I compare (like 100th place LOL)
Bluestribute wrote:
That'd be hard. There are too many good scratchers. Some are popular, like Archmage(example), which are good, but some aren't as popular but are good. I'd like to see how I compare (like 100th place LOL)
I think that the contest should be able projects that require more creativity than programming skill. Like a contest to see who can make the best chose your own adventure kind of program. Then everyone who be on a fair playing field.
Also, don't judge a project by the amount of love its because a project with mario of naruto will probably win.
example of a chose your own adventure game --> http://www.iamcal.com/games/choose/room.php
A scratch version should probably have pictures and animations.
Last edited by archmage (2008-05-16 17:25:01)
ok i will make the contest but instead of entering, archmage, you can help my decision for the winner
that's the link to the contest